I’ve been known in the past to substitute regular words with technical words.
Like one time I opened my refrigerator and saw something out of date and said out loud, "I need to delete that."
Yes, wouldn’t it be nice just to click a button for the fridge to be cleaned?
Well, yesterday I think Emma was trying to use a big word and ended up doing the same thing. She was folding socks and she was SO PROUD that she can finally put the socks together. Lexi was wanting her to go play and Emma didn’t want to and said, "Leave me alone, I’m busy computing socks!"
One time I was fixing my hair and I had a style I thought was decent. But I wanted to keep playing with it and I thought to myself, “Well, if I don’t like it I can always undo.” Like I could just back out of it like I do with things in Creative Suites!
Oh, and I’ve often thought the markings on my dog look like someone took the blur tool in Photoshop and moved it around on his face, then cloned it on the other side.
Maybe this is a sign we need to take that girls weekend we were talking about!!!