I get hits every week on my site for people looking for the music played during The Hills episode. A little google search turned up this list from the episode…
A Fine Frenzy-Near To You
Mark Ronson-God Put A Smile On Your Face
Tegan and Sara- Back In Your Head
Nick Howard-The Pressure
Gran Ronde-Retrace
The Aggrolites-Free Time
Jill Cunniff-Lazy Girls
Luna Halo-World On Fire
David Condos-I Should Be Lost Without You
The Bravery-Believe
I-94-This Time Around
Nouvelle Vague-I Melt With You
Since I think the music is pretty cool myself and wouldn’t mind a few more mp3s to add to my iPod, I’ll try to include this in any weekly episodes I write up.
You’re welcome