I’m thankful for being encouraged through my pastor to persevere in a tough situation.
I’m thankful to God for answering my prayers–again…seems like He keeps doing that
I’m thankful for a wonderful family who notice when something’s wrong and ask about it.
I’m thankful for a husband that is so willing to protect me, not just physically, but emotionally.
I’m thankful my job that is so flexible that allows me to go to Fall Festivals on Thursday mornings.
I’m thankful for all the free stuff I got this week.
I’m thankful for how much money menu planning has saved us. Especially this week when our account is just about at zero.
I’m thankful for a Christian preschool and how much the teachers care about my children.
Even though it sounds corny, I AM thankful for the extra money earned through my paid posts this week.
So much to be thankful for and a good Pastor is a true gift! God hubby’s are a gift, and family is a treasure!
God is so good! Hugs!
Awesome thankful list.
This is a magnificient list. Thanks so much for sharing. I too, am thankful for a husband who is protective of me.
Great TT list!
What a great! Thank you for sharing it and joining in with this week’s Thankful Thursday!
Sorry it’s taken me so long to get here!