I buy my Christmas cards printed from Snapfish.com, my shirts are bought at Ann Taylor, I get blankets for Christmas from my grandmother, I only own a few books, I don’t paint, my last attempt at homemade Christmas decorations left my Christmas tree looking like a 2 year old had decorated it, I buy my jewelry and purses from other lovely and talented ladies. In short, I probably won’t have an Etsy store anytime soon and I have nothing creative to give away.
Ah, but I do have something handsomely rewarding. Something I would love to win myself. A CVS gift card loaded with $10. Use it to earn some Extra Care Bucks or splurge on something a little extra.
All you have to do is comment on this post and then I’ll randomly draw a name November 2. Click on the image above to visit the entire listing of giveaways. I think last time she had over five hundred participants.
Good luck!
*This is now closed*
Hi Amy,
I’m feeling lucky! And I love CVS.
I recently discovered your blog and have enjoyed reading it. Keep up the great posts!
Monroe, NC
I can always use a CVS gift card!!
Oh…this would be great!!
I LOVE CVS!!! Count me in!
Excellent giveaway. Enter me, please!
Sounds great, and I have a CVS less than five minutes away. Count me in and come visit my place for a fun guessing game!
Please sign me up and thank you for a great giveaway!
Perfect for Christmas time. Thank you for the opportunity.
Wow, I can think of so many things I could get!!
I love CVS. Please sign me up!
I love CVS!!!!
Enter me please!
CVS here I come!
Hi Amy! Thanks for sharing this chance with us.
I could totally use this! What a great giveaway!
Very nice.
Oh I shop at CVS weekly! Count me in!
We have a CVS just up the street so count me in and come enter my beaded bookmark giveaway too!
I’m a CVS-aholic. Please pick me! Thanks!
Count me in! I just recently started shopping at CVS earning my ECB. I love it!
Please enter my name, thanks.
count me on this one. Thanks for sharing
Smiles and hugs
This is great! Thanks for offering it!
I could use this one!
Great prize, count me in.
What a nice gift! We can turn that $10 into $100 or more, thanks to those ECB!
count me in.
Oh, I can think of plenty of things I could do with this!! Please enter me.
enter me please!
CVS is just down the street. Great prize
I love CVS!!!!!!!!!
Enter me, please!
Nothing better than using a gift card to get ECB’s! Hehe!
Great giveaway!! Count me in!
Ohhh I need this! I have been wanting to try out the deals at CVS!
Count me in. Thanks!!
Please count me in, I can always use this!!
Could use this!
Yeah not entirely creative here either.
Count me in and Come enter mine, too!
Super useful giveaway! Thanks!
Very cool. I am a drugstore addict. I can’t walk out of CVS for less than $50.00 if my life depended on it.
Great giveaway!
Great contest!
I’d love to win it to fund my new CVS habit! Pick me!
Who doesn’t love free money?
This is a great prize! Thanks!
Nice! Count me in!
Thanks for hosting – I’d love to win!
Lisa Kay
Love CVS. Hope I win!
Sounds great! Count me in!
Thanks for the opportunity to win this! Please enter me in this drawing.
Gift cards rock.
Amy, this is a GREAT giveaway!
Enter me!
Maybe this would inspire me to finally check out their great deals that I always hear about! It is just far enough away that I haven’t ventured in to get it figured out, but not so far that it wouldn’t be worth it, I do go to that town.
Love the CVS!
OH! This would help so much with their great sales and extra care bucks! I would LOVE to win this! Thank you so much for having this contest!
You are gonna get a ton of comments on this giveaway! I love CVS deals!
Enter me, too!
Great! Count me in!
LOL! I’m etsy-less right here with you! Sign me up for CVS bucks!
Great giveaway! Please count me in!
Is Family eligible?
Gotta love CVS!! I’m in!
Yep, anyone counts. Family, no family, website, no website..in fact, since I’m commenting on this post, does this mean I get to win too?? J/K…I’ll redraw if this number gets picked. Maybe.
I just started at CVS. Would love this
yay for CVS!!!
What a great idea. Thanks.
You can ALWAYS use a giftcard! Thanks for the chance to win!
Thanks for the chance to win.
Count me in, please!
This sounds maaaah-velous dahling! Put me in!!
Love CVS! Please count me in
Count me in please!
I was just at CVS this morning to pick up yet another round of antibiotics. Please enter me!
I’d love to win this!
CVS Wow count me in who doesnt enjoy a gift card.
Thanks for the contest
Please count me in!
Count me in!
Count me in please.
Please enter me!
Oh my goodness, I live at the pharmacy! I could REALLY use this! Please enter me….thank you!
Count me in too please!
pick me! pick me!
Sign me up…. Thank you!!
I’m always up for saving money at CVS!
I’d love to win this! Hopefully for a new lipstick and not medicine!
I’d love this!! Please add me!
ps – I love your blog – subscribed to it in my feed
Gotta love the CVS extra bucks.
Would love to win!
I love CVS!
This would come in very handy!
I would love to be entered!
michelle (at) northofthe49 (dot) com
How great! Draw my name outta that hat!
Please count me in!
sounds good. please enter me,
I just switched over to CVS since we don’t have a Rite Aid close! This would be great!
sign me up!
Can’t go wrong with a CVS giftcard! Everyone needs toilet paper, shampoo and toothpaste
What a great giveaway! Please count me in =)
Count me in.
tnayar at nayars dot com
Count me in.
tnayar at cox dot com
Ooh! I’m in!
Great prize! monk5@charter.net
Please include me!
Happy fall!
Great idea!
I would love this giftcard. I have recently started doing the whole CVS thing.
Count me in!
Please include me!
I could use this to start my CVS saving!
Nothing more useful in this world than a gift card! Thanks for the chance to win! Yay!
I’d love to win! Enter me please!
I want to win!
I would love to win this!
Thanks for the useful giveaway; please count me in!
Love CVS. This would come in so handy!
who couldn’t use a $10 CVS card?
Awesome giveaway! Count me in! Thanks!
This is a great giveaway! I don’t know anyone who couldn’t use this, if I win I may have to use it to splurge on something fun like I used to do before my daughter was born.
Please enter me!
Love a gift card; count me in, please!!
Thank you thank you!
Just started CVSing.
This would be a blessing!
I would love to win this! Please enter me!
What a practical and wonderful giveaway! Everyone can use extra splurge money…
I have decided that any gift cards I might win are going into Christmas stockings for my less advantaged family members.
Thanks for the chance!
Please be sure to enter mine!
Thanks so much for the chance to win!
Sorry about the previous comment, I hit the wrong button:( Please count me in though, I LOVE CVS!!!
Please count me in.
Wow! That would be great. Count me in.
Count me in!
please count me in
This would be wonderful. I am just now starting the CVS extra bucks thing.
Great giveaway! I love gift cards! Please count me in! I’m doing a giveaway over at my place. Hope you stop by.
No problem not being crafty… Thanks for the giveaway!
enter me
How generous, please enter me
Please enter me in this contest.
If only it were possible to share the gift of craft!
Count me in Please!!
count me in!
sounds great!
We have a CVS down the street, I could definitely use this! Thanks!
Oh, who couldn’t use a CVS giftcard!!!!
This is an awesome idea for anyone – even the artsy-crafty types.
What a GREAT giveaway! Please count me in!!!
Gotta love CVS! Thanks for doing this!
Glad I’m not the only non-crafty blogger out there!
I purchase my digital prints at CVS… I’d love this!
Pick me!
I would love to win, so count me in! Good luck everyone!
Happy Monday!
CVS is great!
What a great giveaway – my new favorite store
Please enter me!
Please enter me!
This could go a long way! Thanks!
New baby needs diapers -count me in!
Thanks for entering me in your blog give away!
This would be very handy!!
I’d love to win this!
Thank you for hosting a giveaway!
I love it! Thanks for the drawing!
Good value for money at CVS. Thanks for the thoughtful prize!
callmeabookworm at gmail dot com
Please enter me.
What a great prize! Count me in!
What a neat prize! Please include me!
coupled with the $3 coupon they sent me, it would be magic.
count me in !!! Please!!! Love this!!!
great to have for Christmas shopping(at least to get started.)
Very practical… nice idea!
What a great giveaway!!! Please enter me! Thanks!
This is so much fun! Thanks
Thanks for the contest!
(Lots of pregnancy and natural living links)
please put me in the draw
We have a CVS just up the street. This would come in handy!
I could walk to my CVS… not that I do. :-
Love it!
Ah well now this is a fun one! Count me in please!
This sounds great! What a very nice and practical gift =)
cvs….my current favorite frugal shopping experience.
Ahhh…a nice practical gift:) Thanks!
CVS really has some cool stuff – ours here in Texas has really cool greeting cards and fun seasonal stuff. . Count me in.
Dana in Texas
What a great giveaway..please enter me!
Enter me please!
Enter me please!
Oh we love CVS, we can make that $10 into 25 with ecb!
I’d love to enter.
I could use this!!
Thanks for sharing!
Yay prizes ^^
Count me in!
Good luck to everyone
notmuchmorethanthis [at] gmail [dot] com
Great giveaway! Thanks!
count me in :0)
Free shopping money… wahoo!
I would really enjoy winning your gift card. THanks for a chance:)
PLEASE Pick Me!!! What BIG Fun!!
Love Your Site!! Been here several times before!
I heart CVS….enter me please!!
The Lord knows with all my children and an annoying 102-pound puppy I need to stockpile the Motrin.
By the way, it looks like a 2-year old decorates my tree every year, too!
I would love this!
Everyone can use that (but I hope it’s me who wins! lol) Thanks for a great giveaway!
Would lvoe to win this. I buy all my gummy bears there! They have the best!
Oh this would be awesome. Count me in!
I know just who would love this!
Sign me up, please!
Count me in Thanks.
cvs is my home away from home.
sign me up. Thanks.
I am a girl after your own heart- no creativity whatsoever
Pleezzzzzzzzze pick me!
great give-away!
Please enter me too!!
Sounds great, please count me in!
Great giveaway! Please include me.
Ooh, count me in.
Great blog! Would love that CVS card too! Thanks!
Please count me in for the CVS drawing!
I just started CVSing, and its almost as much fun as Christmas!
Please pick me! I love CVS!
Great idea, thanks,
Great giveaway! Thanks!
Very cool! Thanks for offering!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Count me in. Thanks, classybutearthy@hotmail.com
Thanks! Count me in!
who can’t find something to buy at CVS?
Count me in too!
jbowlin93 at yahoo dot com
Awesome giveaway!
Please count me in!
Hey, you can buy just about everything at CVS!
Wonderful! Please count me in!
sounds good
Sounds like a great giveaway to me!
Pick me!
Thank you for your generosity!
I would love this, please enter me in!
I’m in! This could be very helpful!
This is a great one! I;d love it.
ooh, fun. please count me in!
OMG diapers.. diapers is what I would buy… please pick us.. this little guy poops me out of house and home.
great giveaway, thanks!
Sounds awesome – thanks a ton!
oh I love this giveaway!
please count me in!
I am hoping to figure out CVS deals soon. Just got my extra care card recently.
I can turn that into $60 of stuff with my mad coupon skills!
What a great giveaway! Count me in!
Thank you!
Thanks for the giveaway — count me in!
What a great prize!
Great prize – count me in!
I would love to be entered into your drawing. Thanks.
Please visit my blog anytime at http://www.xanga.com/chefvangie.
God bless ~E
I’d love to win a CVS gc.
that’s the only place I go if i need something quick!! Count me in!!
I likey CVS!
Neat idea. Something anyone can use. And since we have a CVS on every corner, its very convenient. Thanks!
Thanks for the giveaway
Please sign me up!
Great giveaway!
enter me please:)
What a useful prize! Wonderful!
I’d love to win! jdeguzman0930@gmail.com
Please enter me, too.
Yay! Great giveaway!
Great Giveaway! Please enter me.
I’m learning the CVS ropes… this will help get me started!
I love CVS! Please enter me!
So practical. Sign me up.
love CVS! thanks!
who couldnt use a few extra cvs bucks thanks.
Would love to win!
I think it’s a GREAT giveaway. We all need a little Baby Motrin every once in a while.
What a fantastic and practical giveaway! You rock!
This would help with all of those last minute stops into the drugstore!! Thanks for the giveaway!!
Please count me in.
That would buy a lot of m&m’s!
That’s just enough to buy some Christmas wrapping paper and bows this year!
cool…count me in
Ooooh, I could buy several stocking stuffers with that! Please enter me too. Thank you so much!
Sign me up!
Please enter me and thanks.
I’d love to be included. Thank you and blessings.
CVS is my favorite!
A gift Card to CVS – Great idea. Please enter me.
Please enter me. A gift card always comes in handy.
thank you for adding my name in the hat!
Thanks for doing this! I hope I win.
I’d love this. Please include me.
Count me in!
I’d love to buy some diapers with this
Please enter me. Thank you!
Please! count me in. Thanks.
COunt me in please.
Please count me in.
CVS is my main squeeze–we have lots of fun together! I’d love to win, this is usually where I go to “get away” for a few minutes. Ha, it works!
Thank you for offering us this opportunity!
Great contest! Count me in! Thanks.
please count me in, thanks.
I would love to enter!
Awesome giveaway!!
Please enter me!
gotta love CVS!
I’m in CVS all the time. This would be great!
Count me in!
of course count me in! Thanks!
Please count me in too! Thank you for giving this away!
Me too, me too, so cool
I love CVS thanks for counting me in!
What a practical giveaway! Thanks!
I just love CVS.
Please enter me.
Thank you for giving away something I can really use!!!
This is a great idea especially with the cold season approaching.
You can come peruse my etsy shop.
People can always use a drugstore gift card.
Everyone goes to CVS! fabulous!
Please count me in!
I would love to win.
Please enter me! Great giveaway!!
CVS always has cool things to buy….thanks!!