Typing as I watch…here we go…
Go Whitney. Great job on the location. Beautiful.
Dress on reserve for Amy Astley? Nice.
Spencer and Frankie – that was weird. Go Frankie. Tellin’ Spencer off. That’s the way.
And once again, I disagree with Spencer. He’s not friends with people who don’t get along with his friends. I give everyone a fair chance to be MY friend, no matter how they’ve treated people in the past.
The dresses. So cute.
Oh boy. Whitney’s on her own but lucky Lauren gets to go meet a designer. Nice.
Oh..no Marc…she’s styling models.
"We’re counting on you." No pressure, Whit.
Wow, not going well. No one likes anything.
Oh, she DOES get to meet Marc Jac0bs. Hi, I’m alphabetizing. That’s a new one.
"I miss Brody." aw
Brody, no, don’t answer Spencer’s call.
WHAT is Whitney wearing?
Oh, the results. Meeting went well? Good presentation? The dress was dressy? That’s their input? Dress up more when you’re in LA?
IT’S BRODY! He gets a hug! There’s candles! Spencer strikes again. Ruins the mood. Too many pillows. Yes. Hug. Yes. Snuggling. Yes. We’ll always be there for each other. Yes. Perfect ending. YES!
**Update. I just reread that and that last paragraph sounded quite…orgasmic…not on purpose, people. Ew.