This is going to probably be the MOST IDIOTIC WFMW post you’ve ever read.
I’m glad you’re here too.
Ever since I was in my early twenties (Wahhh…I’m getting old) I’ve had issues with my skin breaking out. And not just annoying little pimples, like cyst type stuff. After trying different kinds of skin care treatment, I visited a dermatologist and finally got put on Tazorac and Duac after I got done with all my babies and breastfeeding (as the dr put it). It helped a great deal but I still had these little tiny bumps on my forehead I could never get rid of. The dr suggested I increase my Tazorac but for some reason I can never make myself do it twice a day. My normal routine is to wash my face with Cetaphil and then put it on but I never used a washcloth for my face-just water and soap with my hands-because I thought it would irritate my face. Anyway, a couple weeks ago I started using a washcloth with my soap to scrub my forehead and voila, my tiny bumps are almost gone! Major improvement!
So what is my WFMW?? Wash your face with a washcloth. Some great stuff there.
Martie says
My son will be so happy to try this! His skin has been a nightmare for him. Thank you!
Kristin says
Might be simple, but it’s a good tip. I’ll try it, thanks!
Jen says
I used to do hands-only face washing and just switched to washcloths a couple of weeks ago. I always hated using the same one over and over. It was always damp and it smelled musty. So I got one of those packs that are always for sale in Target and Walmart, the ones that have multicolored washcloths tied together with a ribbon. Now I have enough to use a new one each time. I hang them over the edge of the clothes hamper to dry and they don’t take up any space at all in the laundry.
Chari says
I like to use a new washcloth each day. I did not like the musty smell either. So, instead of using the large washcloths that most of buy to match the towels ;). I buy packs of baby wash clothes. They take up a lot less space. They don’t use as much soap, like the large ones do. And they dry much quicker so you don’t get the musty smell.
Star says
That is so interesting for me! Thanks!
dypepypeflova says
Теперь я скажу несколько слов о подводке к дичи молодой собаки и о ее стойке.(В работе собаки по дичи следует различать 4 момента (подразделения) ее работы:
1 — поиск, длящийся до того момента, как собака начнет причуивать признаки присутствия дичи в доступном для ее чутья расстоянии;
2 — потяжку — работа собаки, разбирающейся в донесшемся до нее запахе до момента окончательного определения ею наличия дичи; эта работа заканчивается
beintycic says
Работаю менеджером. Хочу сделать интернет магазин. Порекомендуйте человека или организацию, кто поможет мне в этом. Главное чтоб человек, который его делает был адекватный и недорого.
Даниил says
Читал про это уже на каком то другом сайте, но у вас гораздо прикольней написано 😉
Аркадий says
Офигеть просто! Все, блин, всё знают, кроме меня 🙂
Olegreze says
Основная задача Яндекса — давать ответы на вопросы пользователей!
verdanseven says
Читать новые посты проще, чем чем подписаться на ленту, бред, юзаю opera 10
Иван Евсеев says
Вообще я очень люблю написать какую-нибудь скабрезную критику, но тут ни к чему не придраться! 🙂