Whoo Hoo! I just found out Daughtry is coming to Charlotte December 15!! Guess who will be first in line to get tickets Nov 3??
Archives for October 2007
Want to be a developer?
Ok, if you didn’t know, my title at work is "IT Developer". So I found this list of Top Ten Reasons You Aren’t Cut Out to be a Developer rather funny. I’m not sure if it was meant to be funny yet or not but I have to agree with their list. I’m guessing many of you can relate to a few of these in your own job. If not, I may just be more geeky than I thought.
- You’d rather be trained than self-teach
- You like regular working hours
- You prefer regular raises to job-hopping
- You do not get along well with others
- You are easily frustrated
- You are close-minded to others’ ideas
- You are not a "details person"
- You do not take personal pride in your work
- You prefer to shoot first and ask questions later
- You do not like the geek type of person
Works for me Wednesday: Sunshine and Hugs
I can’t count the number of times I’ve been so frustrated as a mother. The kids are whining. They’re bored. I’m frustrated. I’m yelling ready to yell. We’ve been in the house all day and we are going stir crazy. Two things that have always helped me are hugs and sunshine.
Number one – get down on your knees and just hold your baby. Give them a huge hug that says I’m listening and you have my full attention. Sometimes that’s all my kids need. They just want me. And then I try to keep them on my lap to snuggle more and they want to go play, play, play.
Just yesterday I was getting frustrated leaving the house. I was losing patience and as I went by Emma’s side of the van, the door was open and I just leaned in, asked for a kiss and a hug and somehow it made it all better. Not just for them but for me.
Number two – go outside! When you don’t work outside the home, sometimes you don’t even feel fresh air for hours or maybe days on end. There’s something about walking out, breathing fresh air and just letting the kids play in the yard. Yes, you might have to push them on the swing for 30 minutes but it’s worth it.
This isn’t rocket science and it won’t probably won’t cure all that ails you, but it works for me!
Tackle It Tuesday

This is just what I needed to do a cleanup of my kitchen countertop. This is the countertop that is on the right when you walk in from the garage and EVERYTHING gets put there. I usually give it a clean as good as this one every month or two. I’m not happy with all the cords hanging in the after picture but Scott is not here to fix all that. And at least the countertop is cleaned. So here we go:
Chuck E. Cheese, please
2007 School Pictures
“We can’t ever keep anything nice!”
So last night I bought Lexi this red Belle dress for Halloween. She fell asleep on the way home so she didn’t get to wear it last night. She had school this morning so I made her wait until she got home this afternoon to wear it. The first thing we do when we get home is take her play clothes off and put this dress on. Her and Emma are so excited and I tell Lexi to go in my room to look in my full length mirror to see herself. She comes out half crying pulling on the dress saying it hurts and she has ripped the seam at the shoulder apart.
The Bachelor October 21, 2007
Wow, so Bettina and him really hit it off on their date. But I have to agree with the girls in the house. Something’s not right with her and then after seeing clips of her hometown date next week…she’s going to be gone.
I think Sheena’s date was awesome and they do seem genuine with one another. I like her and as long as her mom doesn’t scare him off, I think they have a great chance.
I don’t like Deeana (sp?). She’s too mean to the other girls. I realize she’s not there to make friends but if can’t even be friendly to them, what does that say about how she treats people in general? I think this is his "bad girl" out of the 4 left this week.
As for Jenny…he obviously is extremely attracted to her. But there relationship doesn’t seem very deep. I think this his "fun" girl.
Christie is just a stick in the mud. Period. She needs to go marry a lawyer or accountant or something. (no offense to those married to a lawyer or accountant. I’m married to a police officer for goodness sakes). I’m just sayin’ I don’t see her marrying a guy that owns bars.
Hillary has lost her ever-lovin mind. He was trying to tell her their just friends and she takes it as he wants me the most, he just can’t tell me right now.