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Archives for October 2007
PTL – the visit
Today my sister and I had a notion to go around my town and take pictures. It is growing SO FAST that at times, we hardly recognize it ourselves if we visit a part of town we haven’t been to in awhile. So we went to Blockbuster, rented two movies for the girls and hauled them around in the van for almost three hours. Scott was working so we were in no hurry and I also had fed the girls right before we left. I can’t believe it went by so quickly.
I have about over 200 pictures. A lot of the pictures were where things are going to be developed or are just being developed. We did end up taking some landmark pictures as well.
In all that, we were taking a picture of our new high school in town and you can see the tower from PTL in the background. We both agreed we should visit there and take pictures. I have mentioned in a previous post how much PTL meant to me and my family. But in short, we stayed on the campgrounds in a pup tent there when we moved down South when I was 3 and Heather was 1. My dad ended up getting a job there. When I was 12, we moved into a house in the residential part of the grounds for one year. And then, after all that, when I was 15, I ended up working on Main Street at the ice cream shop.
Our visit today turned out to be another world all on its own. We kept taking so many pictures, I kept having to delete not-so-good ones of the town just to squeeze one or two more of PTL.
The visit was quite simply surreal. And somewhat sad. A few times I had tears well up and had to stop them. I kept saying to Heather it was like living in a real Back to the Future movie.
So. What I’ve done is uploaded the pictures to my picasa site and made a slideshow and posted it below. It was going to take forever if I did it all manually on here. I suggest you pause the slideshow and click the captions on and off on the bottom left of the screen as you need to. Some of them are very long, so I know it’s hard to see the pictures and read.
You can also visit the Picasa album and flip through manually if you like.
Technorati Tags: PTL , Heritage , Jim Bakker , Tammy Bakker , Fort Mill , South Carolina , MorningStar
Chris Sligh – new music
So it looks like Chris Sligh from American Idol is going the Christian route with his record. Yay for that because Christian radio sure needs some good music. He posted tonight on some lyrics he wrote and I just love them. The last line sort of "hits you". I can definitely hear this one playing on the radio…
Somehow the night finds the day
Fall finds the spring, the rain finds the sea
And just as the wind finds its way
Jesus, each day
Somehow your grace finds me
Sunday Scripture – Intro
So I’ve decided to jump on the bandwagon and host my own carnival. I’m starting out small, I know. The blogosphere seems to be quiet on the weekends, especially Sunday. So part of the reason for this carnival is to encourage weekend reading/posting. And part of it is it’s the beginning of a new week and what better what to start fresh than to concentrate on Scripture? Especially to see how it’s touching someone else.
So, for this carnival, simply post a verse, a set of verses or even just a reference to a verse that means something to you now or maybe even in the past. Explain why it’s important or don’t. It’s up to you. And then COME BACK HERE and post your link and comment.
I’m starting the first one tomorrow so I’ll hopefully put out the MrLinky stuff to another post so you can join in.
I just love Dilbert
On Getting Old
I found an article at http://ProBlogs.com on remaining young and yet, the piece that struck me of it is the very last sentence…
We must never forget what it is to be young and we must not presume to know what it is to be old.
I don’t know about you, but I presume a lot about what it is to be old. And I’m very sure I’m wrong about it. Back in my childhood and even into my teens I couldn’t even imagine being the 30 year old I almost am. And although I have so much more experience, knowledge and wisdom, I still feel like the same person. Yes, my body is different, but I still have that same spirit. I think a lot of times we look at old people and think they’re so much different than we are. But I really don’t think that’s the case. I think they’re the same as they always were, just in a changing body. And yes, they have so much more experience, knowledge and wisdom but I think that’s great.
I guess in my head I’ve just been SO SCARED to get old. And I know a part of it will not be good. I won’t be able to get out or around like I want to but I’m still going to be me. Just a lot better.
The gym – check
So I made it to the gym today. Honestly, I didn’t like this 24 hour gym nearly as much as the Y. There were some plusses.
- It was a short walk in. This is situated in a shopping strip instead of the huge building and parking lot the Y has. It was nice that when I forgot something in my van (twice) all I had to do was take a couple steps out on the sidewalk.
- I was the only one in there. No one to distract me or compare myself to.
- It has TVs built into to every machine. I got to watch a decorating show and Hogan Knows Best uninterrupted. Big plus.
- It’s cheaper than the Y.
- It’s open 24-7.
But I don’t like…
- There is no childcare.
- I didn’t like the elliptical machines as well. There was no option for incline. Not as many metrics on there as the Precor ones at the Y.
- There are no classes.
- And the Y has a TON more other things for the family to do. But honestly, we never really used any of it, so I probably shouldn’t
- use that in my comparison.
I don’t know, it’s almost twice as much at the Y but it includes childcare. So I’m not really sure which way I’m going to. I have a free week trial so that gives me at least a little bit of time to decide.
My Honda needs some love
So my Odyssey has been great the past 2 1/2 years but it sure has taken a beaten. It’s taken probably 6 or 7 trips to Maryland and 3 to Myrtle Beach as well as our daily commuting everywhere. It’s got some scratches and even some rust spots coming up.
One I particular remember making was when I was parked too closely to a car and the lady next to us had her door open a little bit and when I hit the automatic button for our side door to open, it scraped all the way down until it was completely open. I just looked at the woman and said, "I’m sorry, that was my fault." I threw the kids in the van and drove off. Her door wasn’t damaged since it had caught on the edge of her door and I’m the one with several scratches down the side of my van.
In any case, my van needs some love. Scott’s really big into tools but has never really been into body shop stuff so he doesn’t have many body shop supplies around. I’m thinking I need to splurge and see if we can get him some tools. That will make him WANT to use them and fix EVERY dent, scratch and rust spot he can find. Here’s to hoping.