I’m not a big fan of tonight’s episode. Not enough STUFF happened. Here are my very random thoughts…
George and Izzie are just weird together. They looked like brother and sister lying in bed together and it was just weird. At best, it reminded me of the days when her and Meredith would collapse in George’s bed at the end of a day and they were all friends. Now it’s just weird. I just didn’t even want to see them kiss much less have hot s-e-x. It was just weird.
Dr. Hahn HAS to go. I do not like her. And I heard a rumor that her and McDreamy might get together and THAT IS NOT OK.
Alex and Lexie? Really now? I really want Alex and Izzie but I could handle Alex and Lexie.
Meredith was weird in this episode. I couldn’t quite figure out what her issue was. I think she wanted a moment of clarity back to be able to completely give herself to McDreamy but she couldn’t so she wanted to let go but then she wasn’t ready. I think.
Christina needs a man. Her and heart husband are getting old.
The wedding dress thing was sorta desperate but I’m glad that George let go first.
The one great moment of the episode is when Callie tells George she’s letting him go. Hallelujah, no more George and Callie.
I think Callie and Mark should get together. Or maybe Christina and Mark.
Anyway, looking forward to a better episode next week. This season is sort of hit and miss, huh?