*Unfortunately the original post of this was lost :(. Please join in with us this week.
Here is the code for the graphic above.
<a href=http://www.amyjbennett.com/?p=1372><img id="id" style="border-right: 0px; border-top: 0px; margin: 0px 5px 0px 0px; border-left: 0px; border-bottom: 0px" height="140" alt="Sunday-Scripture" src="$Sunday-Scripture[6].jpg" width="154" align="left" border="0" /></a>
Thank you for stopping by my blog and letting me know about this. The funny thing is, I was considering giving up my Sunday Scripture posts. So thank you for nudging me in the right direction.
I love the scripture you picked, and I can tell from your post we have a lot in common. I will be back to read more.
How awesome is God? Our pastor spoke this morning on fear and worry. The Holy Spirit is moving.
Our sermon this morning was on encouragement, so I went to Pam’s blog for her Sunday Scripture and found you through her. I enjoyed reading your blog, and will come back to read more. I am not very techie savvy, and couldn’t get the cute button to paste, but did mention your site in my post. Thanks for the inspiration!
Our sermon this morning was on encouragement, so I went to Pam’s blog for her Sunday Scripture and found you through her. I enjoyed reading your blog, and will come back to read more. I am not very techie savvy, and couldn’t get the cute button to paste, but did mention your site in my post. Thanks for the inspiration!
Our sermon this morning was on encouragement, so I went to Pam’s blog for her Sunday Scripture and found you through her. I enjoyed reading your blog, and will come back to read more. I am not very techie savvy, and couldn’t get the cute button to paste, but did mention your site in my post. Thanks for the inspiration!
Our sermon this morning was on encouragement, so I went to Pam’s blog for her Sunday Scripture and found you through her. I enjoyed reading your blog, and will come back to read more. I am not very techie savvy, and couldn’t get the cute button to paste, but did mention your site in my post. Thanks for the inspiration!