Yes, an unlikely combination but that’s what today looks like for me. The dentist part is easy. Emma has her checkup today. But the potty training…
If I have failed at anything (let’s not reduce me to just one failure but let’s just say) as a mother so far it has been potty training. Emma is going to be 5 next week and she has had #1 mastered for quite some time. I think she might have been 2 when she was trained. But she still is having issues with going #2. If you have read for awhile, you may remember that Emma has had medical issues with her #2. But let’s skip that yuckiness and just say she has to take a laxative every day. But the bottom line is Emma usually ends up going #2 in her pull up. She does go sometimes in the potty is quite proud of herself and for awhile I was doing a potty chart but although I was consistent on giving her stickers, she really didn’t care much and continued to go in her pull-ups after a week or two. But now she is turning FIVE next week and I HAVE to do something drastic.
As for Lexi, she was 3 last week and we have not even attempted serious training. A few times I have put her on the potty but she sits down, gets back up and says Yay, I went potty! She has never actually gone here although MIL tells me she did go once at her house. I think Lexi has seen all the potty drama from Emma and has written the whole thing off. Any time you mention going potty..I don’t wanna go potty! Even mentioning wearing a pull up…I don’t wanna pull up, I wanna diaper! Just this weekend after a bath, she peed in the floor and didn’t tell me. I happened to find it and she said without much emotion she had peed on the floor.
People, this is bad and I have to do something drastic.
So today has been named Potty Training Day. I am off work and the girls have a cough and I can’t take them to school. So I’m taking them to Target, buying panties of their choice, buying a potty training chair for Lexi and maybe even some M&M’s or stickers for positive reinforcement. As for negative reinforcement, Emma will have something taken away from her if she goes #2 in her pull up. Either no school or no computer time. And for Lexi, I think I’m sticking with the positive reinforcement only since she’s just starting. I’m not sure yet.
They will be walking around here with panties and no pants and we’ll be headed to the potty every hour to try. There will also be lots of water drinking. And probably lots of carpet cleaning.
If anyone has ANY suggestions, I’ll be GLAD to take them. Even if you think I’m doing it all wrong because apparently I am.
Wish us luck today.
Jaynee says
My only suggestion is going every thirty minutes, not every hour. An hour is a long time for a three year old. Especially if you are having them drink a lot of water.
good luck!
Amy says
Good call on the timing. I actually have been doing every 15 minutes just to get in a lot of practice.
Amy says
Saying a prayer for you! 🙂