That was the most boring women tell all show. No major drama girls. Just ones that can’t tell the difference between twins and can’t take a hint on the friend card.
However the last few minutes may have been worth my time.
Jenny dancing with her iPod was funny but what was better were the previews for next week…in my very experienced Bachelor opinion, I think I’m going to stick with my prediction from the end of last week and go with DeAnna. The whole “I feel great when I’m with you” to Jenny can easily be followed up with “but I don’t think you’re THE ONE.”
As for DeAnna, saying “You told me you thought marriage was forever and I totally agree with you” could be followed with “and I want to spend it with you.” It could also be followed up with “and I want to make sure I get it right and it’s not with you.” But that seems a little harsh.
Also, Bettina and Sheena who were there the longest both picked DeAnna which makes sense because she didn’t come on strong until the end. So. Unless the parent visit changes my mind, I’m still going with DeAnna.