Baby J is here December 9, 2007 by Amy Today we went to visit C&D at the hospital and isn’t baby J so cute?? He came out at only 4lbs 15oz and he wasn’t even early. All are doing well and it’s great to welcome another baby to the family.
Amy says December 10, 2007 at 1:08 am He’s tiny! Thank God he stayed in the womb to term. Amy’s last blog post..The Feast of Saint Nicholas
Tamara Cosby says December 10, 2007 at 9:16 pm He is sooo precious!!! WOW! Tamara Cosby’s last blog post..Makes me Nervous
He’s tiny!
Thank God he stayed in the womb to term.
Amy’s last blog post..The Feast of Saint Nicholas
He is sooo precious!!! WOW!
Tamara Cosby’s last blog post..Makes me Nervous