My scripture this week is Proverbs 31:30
Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman the fears the Lord is to be praised.
I have to be honest with this post. There was a girl tonight at the Christmas party that was quite charming and beautiful. She’s a pretty woman with just the right clothes, nice body, make up and hair. She’s quite outgoing and held the attention of the room during the exchange. I have to admit to being a tad jealous of her. Yeah, I have some style and I’m not ugly but she’s got the outgoing personality that I don’t have. I sat and smiled during the night, being entertained by everyone else. And there’s nothing wrong with that. There’s nothing wrong with what she was doing either. But *I* have to be careful what I get jealous of in other people. Yes, at times I meet a very godly woman and wife and want to be like her. And that’s good. That’s like looking at the Proverbs 31 woman and aspiring to be that wise woman. But tonight I found myself longing after charm and beauty and as Proverbs 31 says…that’s only deceptive and temporary. This verse happens to be one I’m studying for as part of Sunday School for tomorrow. It’s been a favorite of mine for quite some time and it was a good reminder for me tonight to keep my priorities straight and remember the kind of woman and wife I want to be.
So how about you? To participate, simply post a verse, a set of verses or even just a reference to a verse that means something to you now or maybe even in the past. Explain why it’s important or don’t. It’s up to you. Go now and post and then come back. Post your name and then a direct link to you blog entry. If you don’t have a blog, feel free to leave yours in the comments. Here is the code for the graphic above.
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I struggle with the same topic. I get stressed when I see someone who is more “successful” than I am. Then I try to remember who is measuring that success and is that success what I really want? Is it also what God wants for me? I just want to be a Proverbs 31 wife and mother…thats it…I must pray myself there!
I think we all struggle with that at times, and satan is right there egging us on in our ears. We just have to learn to tune him out, and let Jesus in all the time. Thanks for sharing that with us.
Jennifer Teike’s last blog post..Sunday Scripture 5
I think we all struggle with that at times, and satan is right there egging us on in our ears. We just have to learn to tune him out, and let Jesus in all the time. Thanks for sharing that with us.
Jennifer Teike’s last blog post..Sunday Scripture 5