Tax Refunds!
This post has been sitting here all day and that’s all I could come up with. But it seems to have solved a lot of our stress for now. So I’m just really thankful for some money coming in soon.
Extraordinary Faith for Everyday Life
I can’t just share bad news about potty training. It looks as if Emma is back on track with the potty training. She’s gone in the potty twice today. Thank the Lord.
I keep laughing at this post in my head. I figure if it was that funny, it’s worth sharing. Go have a good laugh…again and again.
I have a whole page of Mommy talk but I just heard Scott in there saying very sternly…
“Emma you don’t use your shirt sleeve to wipe up hot chocolate on the table!”
Should I mention she’s wearing a plain white turtleneck today?
Alright, this week has been pretty calm around here, hence the lack of what I did today type posts. But starting in about an hour, I’m going to start being pretty busy through the weekend. Here’s how it’s going to happen:
Whew. All that meaning tonight I have to clean my house before people come over because I certainly won’t have time this weekend to do it.
Anyone catch that title? Ha.
I thought I might give an update on my OTHer site – One Tree Hill Blog. I try not to talk about it too much but really, it takes a good bit of my time so it deserves a little attention on my personal blog.
A few stats for you
We are involved in the following ad programs:
To-date income for each are:
Here are a few thoughts on that:
So if I had all that up, I’m thinking I’d average about $200/month which is great for a hobby, but as a part-time job, $50/wk is pretty paltry. I’m certainly not in it totally for the money, it does help to have your time rewarded.
So here’s the thing, I love OTH but it takes A LOT of time. I spend hours and hours a week working on it and I have really been thinking of selling it.
Part of me wants to sell. Part of me is scared what will happen to it if I do. Part of me doesn’t care. Part of me doesn’t want the rejection if it never sells. Part of me doesn’t want to sell something I built from the ground up. Part of me wants released from the pressure of keeping it updated. Part of me likes being in the loop.
So you see, I’m quite torn about it. For now I think I’m hanging in there but that could change in oh about a minute.
If you’ve read this far, congratulations, I’m not sure I would have done the same. If you want to chat about web site stuff or have any suggestions for me, leave a comment or send me an email. As you can see, I could go on forever about it.
This is becoming an annual post. It’s tax time and that makes me happy! I looked back at my post from last year and here was my list of things to do with the money and I marked off what got accomplished:
Hardwood floors in living room/kitchen/entry/playroom
Kitchen countertops
Refrigerator (and stove if I REALLY had a lot of money)
Curtains for my room
Curtains for my living room (if I could figure out what fabric I wanted)
Pay off our van
Get another car for us to use
Bedside table for Scott
Telescopic lens for my camera
New computer that will run Pinnacle including new graphics card with TV Tuner
DVD camcorder
We did well right? Ha. My list I’m afraid is very similar this year. I’m ecstatic to report I did a dry run with what I have so far for this year and it’s going to be our best year yet. But this year we have a little bit of credit card debt left from the end of last year we need to pay off (the first time that’s really happened–normally we pay it off every month) and we still have the fridge which is on 1 year same as cash to pay off. So that will take a good chunk of it there. But there should be enough to at least do one special thing with it. I’m guessing it will either be a water softener, the hardwoods and/or the kitchen countertops. Oh and I might squeeze in an iPhone
The really good news is between this, the rebate coming in June we should be back up to par on our savings