Melissa got sick and we had to postpone our Starbuck’s meeting but don’t you know I’ll hold her to that. The evening was pretty low-key. I drug dragged took the family with me to go buy two more Sunday papers. If you haven’t bought yours yet, you need to. There are SIX inserts. I’m going BACK to CVS tomorrow to get a ton more free/very cheap stuff and since it’s not ECB deals, there’s no limit so watch out, folks.
We made a stop at Starbuck’s on the way home from that and actually went in and sat down with the girls who were very well behaved. I think Lexi was scared of it or something because she stuck to me like glue. Or it may have been because she was so tired because she literally asked me to go to bed when we got home around 7:45.
After they went to bed, I Interneted (my inner geek just likes using that word in verb form) for awhile and then sat down to clip my coupons while I watched Gossip Girl and a rerun of OTH. It took FOREVER to clip so many. I haven’t been doing that and going with the Coupon Mom approach and keeping them in the inserts and dating them. But I found that many coupons the coupon mom has in her database don’t match up with my inserts so it was sort of worthless. There were some that matched but I found Heather’s system of clipping and organizing so much faster when you’re actually in the store looking for something last minute.
So now I’m closing up shop for tonight and still need to read my Bible in 90 days for today. I better get started as I’ve already taken a sleep aid and it should be kicking in soon.
Yeah, I was impressed with how many coupons we cut out this weekend from two different papers. It makes up for the time Denis lost the coupon holder and we had to start from scratch!
That is awful! I have a friend who is a HUGE coupon shopper and she left her box of coupons at the store and it was gone by the time she went back for it.