Yay, I was happy to find at Cootiehog that it’s Delurker Day! This day never works for me but if you’d like to change the habit of my readers, comment and let me know you read here!
Hey Amy! I frequently comment here and your OTH site, but wanted to say Hi, and I don’t think your forehead is too big! What do men know about updo’s anyway?
Hey Amy! I frequently comment here and your OTH site, but wanted to say Hi, and I don’t think your forehead is too big! What do men know about updo’s anyway?
Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah says
Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah’s last blog post..Hey You! Delurk!
Jennifer Teike says
Hey Amy! I frequently comment here and your OTH site, but wanted to say Hi, and I don’t think your forehead is too big! What do men know about updo’s anyway?
Jennifer Teike’s last blog post..DE-LURK
Jennifer Teike says
Hey Amy! I frequently comment here and your OTH site, but wanted to say Hi, and I don’t think your forehead is too big! What do men know about updo’s anyway?
Jennifer Teike’s last blog post..DE-LURK
Amy says
yay! i have commenters. i think 2 commenters on a delurking day is a record.
Amy says
I am lurking through my Google Reader.
Amy’s last blog post..Can I Get Child-Owners Insurance?
Faith says
i love your blog!!! you seem like such an amazing mother and wife. keep the funny tales coming along 🙂
Faith’s last blog post..hello
Amy says
Why, thank you, Faith! So glad you stopped by and delurked!