Well, we have a full weekend ahead of ourselves.
Tonight I have an Arbonne party to attend at D’s house. The guys are all planning to show up at the end to eat and play games. Should be a good time. And this is assuming the girls are going to MIL’s to spend the night tonight.
Tomorrow is the big Julian Drive concert. We are supposed to eat lunch with the band at our church then spend the afternoon helping them set up at a local high school and then of course spend the evening at the concert.
Sunday is of course church but Sunday evening the youth is going to the Winterjam concert featuring Mercy Me, BarlowGirl, Mandisa from American Idol, Group 1 Crew and some others I can’t recall. I’m not sure if I’ll go or not. The girls are supposed to start preschool choir and I missed choir last week and I’m not sure about someone keeping the girls that long so I may just have Scott go. Who knows.
Then Monday we’re supposed to go to another concert at church in the next town with the youth. It’s like the weekend of concerts.
Hopefully in there somewhere I’ll clean the house, work on some side projects, relax and enjoy some family time. You know, because the weekend is like 8 days long.
Love Arbonne. I use their RE9 line.
If you go to the concert, let me know how it was.
Amy @ Memories and Musings of a Mommy’s last blog post..Can I Get Child-Owners Insurance?
RE9 line? I’ll remember that.
Will definitely get a recap of the concert even if it’s just the “it was loud but good” line from Scott.
Going to be a great concert. Have fun .
Lynn’s last blog post..Spiritually Mismatched – Weekend Devotion
Ok, so I want to go to Winter Jam AGAIN!!!
NewSong was AMAZING.. and Mercy Me? Oh goodness….
Mandisa was amazing… my 8 year old met her and is now just in Awe.. you’re near Charlotte, so not too terribly far from me….
(Well, I’m 3 hours, but in the grand scheme of the world, that’s not too far!)
Have a GREAT time!
Heather @ Desperately Seeking Sanity’s last blog post..698 people?