OK, last episode for quite some time and what’d we think? I thought this was one of Grey’s more serious episodes. They’ve done a few like this in the past I think and while I wouldn’t want every episode to be like it was tonight, I thought it was good.
I really thought Meredith and Derek were going to be good. Meredith really irritated me tonight. I mean, come ON! He was with her and then decided that he wanted to be with Meredith and WAS GOING TO BUILD HER A HOUSE. I don’t know, maybe she’s right. He didn’t come clean about Addison or Rose and the whole fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me thing..I get it. She doesn’t trust him. He should have come to her and said I kissed Rose and realize all I want is you. THAT would have been sweet. But on the other hand, why couldn’t the explanation be enough? I don’t know. I really did like that Derek asked Rose out. It didn’t bother me like I thought it would. I think I’m just ready for something different.
I love Alex. I liked those women who could see he was a hurt little boy in a jerk of a man’s body. But I still love him. That hurt little boy is in there and I love to see when it comes out. Which I guess it doesn’t too much except times like tonight when he goes and gets Izzie and tells her she’s way better that Yang.
I can not get into the Hahn and McSteamy thing. That whole scene where Hahn tells McSteamy they’d be an item if they weren’t coworkers. Well, that just grossed me out.
I do like Hahn and Callie together though. They play well off of each other. I think because Hahn is actually as tall as Callie. lol.
Poor Izzie telling George’s mom about George and Callie. That SO something I would do. And then George goes and does the same thing to Meredith.
I could hardly watch the scenes with Bailey’s son in them. Wow. Watching any child suffer is hard.
I’m just so frustrated that they really had Bailey’s husband leave her. The last remaining marriage splits. I was so hoping they could redeem it somehow but no. AND in the episode that was about faith.
And as for the theme on faith, I thought it was well played out. I like the Chief’s comment about it may not working but it surely wouldn’t hurt.
Christina finally put someone in front of herself in this episode to hold Tucker’s hand and you have to give her points for that. Although if she had left his side, I might have had to write her off my good list for good.
I guess that’s enough babbling about that…any reactions from the peanut gallery on the episode?
My husband thinks Meredith is hard character to get behind…I disagree. I like her. She”s not perfect. I do think Mc Dreamy was a bit harsh – she has a good point. He expects too much of her, I think. I do not want him and Rose together, but I guess if they give Meredith a love interest it could work for a season. I love the chief. I just love him. Bailey and her husband – again, I think it’s unfair of him to be like that to her. He made a vow! They have a kid. Did he think there wouldn’t be tough times? Wouldn’t it have been great to see them work things through? I think she is trying but she does have all this pressure on her. I just think a wife would expect it, but as a husband at home he wants more out of her. I’m glad it’s back, though!
EDW’s last blog post..And I’m countin’ on you, you can carry me through
Just found you via Kerflop and I am a HUGE Grey’s Anatomy fan.
Normally Meredith’s behavior annoys me, but she is constant. She hasn’t changed and if Derek wants to marry her he needs to figure out what she needs and work with that. Plus the fact that he is kissing someone, going to build Meredith a house, telling that person how great the kiss was, then talking to Meredith again and then asking the other girl out! It’s too much for me. Plus I will never forget him calling her a whore. Hmm….
I am dying for them to get Alex’s past out in the open. It’s interesting to see someone who is usual a jerk and know why they are a jerk. I love him anytime he is not interacting with George whom I love.
Yeah the McSteamy Hahn thing is weird. Hopefully they will be done with it soon and I too love her and Callie spending time together.
It was hard to watch in spots. I cried, of course. I am a big crier. I don’t think they will end the marriage between Bailey and her husband. I think they both just need to work it out.
I thought they were going to be lighter this season. That is what the writer’s said earlier anyway. I can’t believe this is the last episode we have to look forward to. Boo.
I don’t normally comment this long, but Grey’s always sets me off.
SparklieSunShine’s last blog post..The Things I Bleed On Monthly*
I for one, was amazed at all the Biblical reference and faith behind it. Grey’s is my conviction every single week. I keep talking about how I shouldn’t watch it, that it’s filled with unChristian like stories, etc yet, I can’t pull myself away from it. I was glad that they talked about some of the things that they talked about, and showed change in people (Christina, for one.)
I was also glad that George’s mom talked about marriage being a vow and that it wasn’t too late, that yes, George sinned, but he could go and confess and get in counseling, but that he had made a vow.
I was a bit shocked when Callie said that she didn’t even think God was at her wedding.
Stupid writers strike…
I for one was really pulling for Grey and McDreamy… I think he’s a decent guy. He wants her but she just can’t commit. And he was right, she can’t trust anyone and having been the McDreamy in a relationship, you can’t change that in a person. They have to be able to trust.
Guess I’ll have to find something else to dive into while the writers figure out what they are doing….
Heather @ Desperately Seeking Sanity’s last blog post..698 people?