Not sure why I’m doing so many memes lately but this one is taken from Shalee’s Diner
“In this one, you use your iPod to generate random answers to questions. It’s kind of like Mad Libs meets the Magic 8 Ball.”
Here are the instructions:
1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question.
I had quite boring titles but I bolded some of the more amusing ones.
Q: What does next year have in store for you?
A: Low (considering it so far, i’m guessing that means low on money)
Q: What does your love life look like next year?
A: Fringes
Q: What do you say when life gets hard?
A: Wake up call (yes, wake me up when it’s over)
Q: Song that reminds you of good times?
A: 1000 miles
Q: What do you think when you get up in the morning?
A: ready to find love
Q: What song will you dance to at your wedding?
A: apologize
Q: Song that reminds you of your first kiss?
A: the love song (if only this were true)
Q: Your favorite saying?
A: wait for you
Q: Favorite place?
A: one more day (i do enjoy one more day)
Q: Most Missed Memory?
A: a day without rain (opposite right now..i miss a day WITH rain)
Q: What song describes your best friend?
A: you and i (pretty much. me and you, you and i, we’re best friends)
Q: What song describes your ex?
A: something inside
Q: Where would you go on a first date?
A: because of you
Q: Drug of choice?
A: wishing you well
Q: What song describes yourself?
A: arise
Q: What is the thing you like doing most?
A: never ending journey (someone must have read my post about potty training)
Q: The song that best describes the president?
A: do you know? (LOL)
Q: Where will you be in 10 years?
A: in love with you forever
Q: Your love life right now?
A: imagine that
Q: What is your state of mind like at the moment?
A: 2 man show (is someone trying to say i have a split personality?)
Q: How will you die?
A: namesake (should i be watching emma and lexi with those plastic knives more carefully??)
Shalee says
Oooo… the song to the “When life gets hard” question is perfect and personally, I love the answer to the “where will you be in 10 years” one too. That was sweet.
Shalee’s last blog post..Finding the I in iPod