This is becoming an annual post. It’s tax time and that makes me happy! I looked back at my post from last year and here was my list of things to do with the money and I marked off what got accomplished:
Hardwood floors in living room/kitchen/entry/playroom
Kitchen countertops
Refrigerator (and stove if I REALLY had a lot of money)
Curtains for my room
Curtains for my living room (if I could figure out what fabric I wanted)
Pay off our van
Get another car for us to use
Bedside table for Scott
Telescopic lens for my camera
New computer that will run Pinnacle including new graphics card with TV Tuner
DVD camcorder
We did well right? Ha. My list I’m afraid is very similar this year. I’m ecstatic to report I did a dry run with what I have so far for this year and it’s going to be our best year yet. But this year we have a little bit of credit card debt left from the end of last year we need to pay off (the first time that’s really happened–normally we pay it off every month) and we still have the fridge which is on 1 year same as cash to pay off. So that will take a good chunk of it there. But there should be enough to at least do one special thing with it. I’m guessing it will either be a water softener, the hardwoods and/or the kitchen countertops. Oh and I might squeeze in an iPhone 🙂
The really good news is between this, the rebate coming in June we should be back up to par on our savings
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I found your site on technorati and read a few of your other posts. Keep up the good work. I just added your RSS feed to my Google News Reader. Looking forward to reading more from you.
Aaron Wakling
Aaron Wakling’s last blog post..Credit Repair Counseling – 3 Things Your Counselor Can Do That You Can’t