Saturday started out well but ended really badly when my antibiotic made my extremly nauseous. I had to get MIL to take the girls for the night and take them to church yesterday. No more Biaxin for me!
Yesterday was sort of an iffy day. I was able to get up, get ready and have lunch over at IL’s but I was quickly tired and had to go home and nap. When I got up, I took the kids to choir at church and then we hunkered down at home. I did fine with the girls by myself last night and was even feeling pretty good watching the Oscars.
This morning I feel almost completely normal. I woke up and just about jumped out of bed just because I could. Lexi even got a bow in her hair for school! That’s progress, people. I may tire out quickly today but for now I feel like I’m back in the land of the living!
Biaxin make me very sick as well. It’s not even worth taking meds when they do that to you!!! Glad you’re feeling better!!
Beth@sportsmomma’s last blog post..Stop Breast Cancer for Life: Be My Support, Be My Strength, Be My Bra