For those interested, February turned out to be an awesome month for my OTH site. Our feed readers, returning visitors and first-time visitors all went way up. Thankfully, that also turns into money apparently. Here are the full month of stats if you any of you are interested.
The show plays on Tuesday nights but Wednesday is by far our biggest day–that’s all the spikes in the stats. As you can see, we’ve gotten to a point about midway through the month where we don’t see less that 5,000 page views a day. Which is AWESOME.
So the good stuff…how does this translate to numbers.
Google Adsense: $76
BlogHer Ads: $228
Kontera: $22.87
LinkShare: $6.06
That’s right at $333 for the month. That’s double last month and way above the average of $200 I thought we’d see. For that, I’m very happy. That’s obviously an average of about $10. And that’s cool with me. A lot of stuff I’ve really gotten used to do every week such as the summaries, recaps, music lists, preview clips and such. It doesn’t take near as much time and I’m getting paid more for it. Now I won’t actually SEE any of this money for, in some cases, up to a year. Kontera for example makes you have a $100 balance and at the rate it’s going , it will be several months before we get there. And I LOVED to see us hit the all-important $100 mark at google for the first time this month.
I think all in all it is doing way better than I thought but of course I always believe there is room to make it better. The ending of the writer’s strike is wonderful news for us and I think it will be interesting to see what happens next month since we’ll have a break in new shows until they catch up from the strike.
You know what I find so amazing about all this? You managed to get that kind of traffic for a show that is on what? the 5th season? There had to be tons of established sites out there for this show and you just swooped in and dominated. I am so proud of you. I would love to know what search terms you are ranking for if you ever care to share. Keep on truckin, baby.
Yep, 5th season. I think our site is one of few that keeps up with the spoilers all in one place from the boards though. By far, our best keyword is one tree hill spoilers.