OK, how ’bout an actual useful post that’s not sponsored??
If you’re like me, you’re subscribed to more than just a few blogs in Google Reader. I find it annoying (sorry, I do understand the reasons and do the same with my OTH blog) when authors don’t post the entire post in their feeds and I have to click on to their site to read their full post. I also find it time consuming sometimes to post a comment on people’s blogs when you have to click out of reader.
Well, I found a Firefox Add-on that has made both issues non-issues…Better GReader. It has several features but the one I’m loving is the preview in-line. Just click the title to the post and it brings up that post…in the same window. No more opening a new tab or new window and trying to find that. Reading and commenting all can happen right there within Reader!
Check out the site for more details on the features and if you have any other recommendations for Firefox add-ons, I’d love to hear your favorites.