VBS Week 2008 is ov-ah. Well, not really. We still have a 3 hour block party to attend tomorrow. But no more responsibility! We had a great week with about 90 kids and 60 workers. It was one of the smoothest ones I’ve seen. One thing I really liked was that crafts, missions, bible class and rec were taught by one person in each for all age groups. Then people like me just carted them around to each. So much less stress.
Emma ended up not doing so great this week. Monday she cried at first then was ok. Tuesday she was fine. Wednesday I found out on Thursday that she cried on and off the whole night. Thursday she floated between Scott and I. I took her to crafts, Scott took her to bible, she stayed with me some and Scott took her to rec but she wouldn’t play so Scott just brought her back to the gym. Tonight Heather agreed to go with us and stayed with her the whole time (thanks Heather! But I think she ended up liking VBS as much as the kids). It worked out great even though Heather said she still wouldn’t play with any of the other kids. I think the problem was the preschool got broken up in to 3s, 4s and 5s and the other 5 year olds are not really her friends since she’s actually an early 5 year old. She’s used to being with the 4 year old class.
She just got so scared and shy when you tried to leave her by herself. She’s fine for Sunday School and preschool but this week was tough. It really, really makes me nervous for school this year.
Emma, in LOST terms, need a constant. She needs one person..whether it’s an adult, a teenager or even another kid that’s her “buddy”. Someone she can always turn around to and say something to or ask questions or hold their hand. And she just didn’t have it this week and she was lost (no pun intended). I am sure in school she will find a little girlfriend and do just fine but wow, she was definitely the high maintenance child this week.
Lexi, on the other hand, was great. When it was time to start, I told her to go sit down with her age group and there she went, not even looking back or saying bye. When the group was singing, she was up and at ’em trying her best to do all those hand motions and singing. Cute as could be! Oh, Scott told me he saw her grab this little boy she’s been friends with (and I think he goes to their preschool too) and hug him and they kissed each other on the lips! In VBS! That girl, she is something!