My 27th year got a bit busy. I feel like this is the year where I really started having to juggle everything. I was still working, we were getting more involved in church, Lexi was starting to get into everything, I was trying to get out do some fun things, not to mention all the every day household stuff I was supposed to be doing. I guess the busyness was a little self-inflicted and it probably still is but the point was I was busy.
There are several things I could blog about from this year…my first youth camp, a special Valentine’s Day dinner, and a ton of special moments with the kids. I think I have to pick the youth camp though. I was asked to go I think out of desperation. They really needed another female to go and although the kids were 3 and 1, I still said yes. Scott’s cousin was gracious enough to take the week off with us and be our nanny for the week. Below is a picture of the four of us that week.
When I look at that, it just seems so representative of that year. And not to put a damper on the whole occasion, I had a TON of fun that week. Tree63 was our worship band which was awesome and I really got to know the youth members and leaders. That actually was our big start to our involvement with the youth group at church so it holds significance in that way too. And I think in a lot of ways I grew in leadership skills that week. After holding bible study all week, I decided to teach Sunday School that fall. I guess it was just one more step to growing up.