By the time you read this post, it will be only 1 little day until I turn 30. As I look back on this last year of being a twenty-something, without doubt my very favorite thing I did this year was take off to Wilmington with Heather. It was spur of the moment, unplanned and so much fun.
You can read all the details here and I’ll spare you since it just happened a few months ago. But I can just say that it was a very twenty-something thing to do. It’s not like we took a plane to Paris or Vegas or something but it was still fun. I think the trip represents a lot of what I’ve spent my time on this year…One Tree Hill! I never in a million years would have dreamed my site would have been as successful as it is and so the trip not only was a fun thing to do, it’s very representative of the year. No surprise I’m heading back there for my 30th!
I have to say that as I look at this past decade, I can see why I’m so sad to leave it. I looked back at all the pictures from the past ten years and there were so many memories, so many big events that happend this decade that I really can’t imagine it getting any better. I’m still sad to not be twenty something anymore but I can say most of my favorite memories were a lot about me growing up and becoming a woman and a mother. I feel like as I sit here I have so, so much to learn and yet looking back ten years ago, I have already learned so, so much. Awhile back in one of my woe-is-me-I’m-turning-30 posts I mentioned what’s so hard is that so many plans and goals were made and met in your twenties, that in your 30s, it almost seems as if there’s nothing else to look forward to. But I think after reading through all this I can come up with some goals. In the next ten years, I hope to be a better Amy, closer to God than ever before, raise two precious little girls as best I can and make the most of every single opportunity I have. Try not to be so busy I miss out on precious time I have with my family and yet sieze fun opportunities as they come along. If I can find that balance in the coming years, I think I’ll be doing well.
I have enjoyed reading your memories of your 20’s (mostly because my 20’s seem so far away now). It is amazing how much happens in our lives during this decade.
As much as it is hard to say goodbye to our 20’s, I can honestly say that I learned how to balance family and work during my 30’s and appreciate that balance even more that I am 40 (gulp!). In my 30’s I learned to let the little things slide – where I used to spend hours cleaning after the kids were in bed, I am now comfortable with the fact that I have a 5-foot tall 3-D puzzle of the CN Tower standing beside a 3-foot tall Eiffel Tower made of Lego beside the couch in my living room. We keep joking that we need to build an addition to the house just for Matthew and Leila’s “stuff”.
As long as you remember what amazing gifts you have been given your 30’s will be a great adventure. Make the most of these moments…you will be doing a “Goodbye to my 30’s” post before you know it!!