*Whoops, meant to hit publish last night *
I’m not really sure how to even properly blog about last week at the beach and this weekend in Wilmington. Both were fantastic. If you could tell from Twitter, we did a lot of shopping at the beach! We also got to the beach itself almost every day which hasn’t happened in other years. Both of the girls absolutely loved the sand and although Lexi was a bit skittish of the water, both of them went in it. Lexi mostly sat in the sand, built things with sand and seashells (both of them called them sheshells) and talked her way through stories of some sort.
Emma ended up staying with ILs for the weekend and Lexi was ready to GO HOME by Wednesday or Thursday so I took her with us, scared she would have a breakdown. I figured she’d feel more comfortable with us and we could handle her better if she really started breaking down. And I can’t tell you how many times she told us she wanted to go home. She kept saying she missed our dog. I know she was happy Sunday morning when it was time to go home. She left with a fever and it has stayed pretty high since then so I’m actually glad they went home when they did.
Wilmington was a big whirl of activity. Friday was filming. Mom, Dad and Heather even brought us lunch out at the cemetery where they were filming. Almost every single cast member was there so it was worth it! We did sneak out for a bit for dinner and ended up missing them leaving but they ended up not coming over for pictures/autographs so it was ok.
Saturday we all got ready just in time for the studio tour. That evening we went to a few filming locations and back out to eat. We capped off the night watching Made of Honor.
Sunday morning Mom, Dad, Scott and Lexi ended up heading out before lunch so Heather and I were left to our own defenses for the rest of the trip. We made our weekly CVS trip to pass time and went out to a few stores. Last minute we heard they might be filming that evening so we went out searching and couldn’t find anything. Right after that we decided to head to get some ice cream before meeting two fans from some OTH fan boards at a bar hoping to meet some cast members. We ended up running into three of them and got pictures with them! We ended up at the bar talking for an hour or two all about OTH. It was actually a lot of fun. And by bar, I know it doesn’t sound like me but it was like a high class bar and we were the only 4 in there. And I just ate my ice cream and didn’t get anything to drink at all! Heather ended up getting free Sprite. I think the bartender was laughing at us actually.
So this morning I was up by 6 am and was at a filming location by 7:15. We stayed there until about 1, even eating lunch sitting on the sidewalk across the street. After that, we went to a few places around town looking for them and then grabbing a few last minute pictures and we decided to head home! It was a long week and weekend and I was so ready to just get home.
I have to say it was a great weekend but really, I’m kind of over Wilmington! After two visits in 3 months and getting to meet most of the cast, I’m ok for now. And honestly, I was a bit disappointed in some of our encounters with the cast. We didn’t get to meet two of them, but they are the two that I love the most and would really rather not have my vision of them in my head ruined. So I’m satisfied with the visit.
And oh yeah, I’m 30! I hope you enjoyed the Ten Days of Twenties posts last week. As Friday came, I was dreading the day just as much as I was months ago. Someone finally asked how old I was on Sunday and I just groaned. In between all the madness, I’ve been quite introspective about the whole thing and I really hope that in my 30s I actually live out that woman I’ve been becoming these past ten years. My true hope is to be a fantastic mother and wife and make God and family even more of a priority than they are now. And hopefully that doesn’t entail too much more cooking and cleaning :/
When we were in Myrtle Beach 2 years ago we brought back about 20 pounds of seashells thanks to Leila! We also brought back enough shark’s teeth for every child in the first (for Leila) and third (for Matthew) grades.
I loved reading about your encounters with the OTH cast…I always say to my guys that everyone needs a friend like Skills and find it interesting that he was the only one that came over. I totally agree about not wanting to damage the image you have of your favourites…I want to believe that Hilarie and Chad would be as likeable off screen as they are on screen (By the way I loved, loved, loved the preview last night…I called my friends right away). I can’t wait for the new season to start – it looks like it will be worth the wait.
I see you have changed your age from 29 to 30…I am sure you will find that it won’t be so bad. I have many fond memories of my 30’s (mostly because the ones from my 20’s are starting to fade!).
We didn’t see any shark’s teeth. That would be cool.
I can’t believe how bad my memory has gotten in the past few years. Really bad.