OK, so we had a little project today that was totally not planned. This morning I got a call that my mom’s neighbor was basically giving away a King size box spring and a Sleep & Co mattress with a mattress set. Since the girls are still sharing their twin bed, we’ve been planning to upgrade their room and have thought about giving them our Queen bed and getting us a King size. We had also debated getting them bunk beds and keeping our set but if someone was going to give us a set, why not? We ended up agreeing on $100 which is a steal for how nice they are. She was going to donate them if we didn’t take them so it was a win-win even at that price.
So we get it home and start thinking about it all and I’m like, oh my, now we have to tear down the kids room. And our room. And buy them new pink girly Queen size sheets and a comforter. And buy us new everything King size. And oh my word, I hadn’t really planned on all this work and money.
But true to form, Mom and Heather stepped right in and we went on a last minute shopping trip tonight and spent, well, way too much on all new bedding for both beds as well as picking up a few accessories for around the house. And of course I have pictures!
First, here is a before picture of my bedroom.
Now I have to warn you, we haven’t bought a new King size bed frame yet. It’s still sitting on the ground! And we’re going to have to change out our pictures. But I like where the look is going. Wow, we have REAL, MATCHING lamps for the FIRST TIME since we’ve been married.
That picture actually looks pretty bad compared. But really! It’s going to look great! The cover is a brown animal type pattern matteleise (however you spell that and I think that’s what it’s called). The lamp shades actually have a gold, red and black pattern on them that’s really cool.
Also for the room, I found that red mannequin thingy. Scott’s comment? “Hey I like that naked lady thing.” Men.
I love trees and I got this wood statue thingy for my mantle.
Also got this wood statue thingy-mabob. I’ve put it on my foyer table.
And here are two prints I got the other day for the kitchen.
Now what’s not pictured is the girls’ room because they’re asleep and I’ll have to do that tomorrow.
So yeah, today was a really nice surprise. God really blessed us with such a great deal on the mattresses and all the good finds today.
YAY! Congrats on the upgrade! It’s glorious, isn’t it? My sister and her hubby gave us their king mattress set last summer, and we LOVED moving up from our queen! (We didn’t have a frame either, and we JUST got one last week. Don’t wait so long, like we did!)
Katie’s last blog post..100 Things – Part Nine
Nice writing style. Looking forward to reading more from you