For new folks, this is the recap for my One Tree Hill Blog site.
Alrighty, strap in for this one because it is INSANE. This month was amazing. Outstanding. Unbelievable. And honestly, I almost did not put this post up. I’m really almost embarrassed at how well it’s done. Especially knowing my OTH readers probably have found this site through the Hot Blogger Calendar (hello to any readers out there! holla!). I feel a little like who am I to deserve the success of this site but at the same time I know I have poured hours and hours of work into it. Not to say I’m not happy about everything, I’m just saying it’s humbled me greatly and I’m not putting these numbers out here for anything except to share with you guys in the journey I’ve been taking these past 9 months. I just don’t want any OTH readers feeling that it’s all a numbers game to me. Because I really do care about the readers there, the community we have built and also the show. But anyway, I do want to share. So here it goes…
First great news, we went over 1 million hits this month–just for August. We had almost 500,000 unique visitors including 270,000 first time visitors. Those are some staggering numbers for a 9 month old blog if you ask me.
As you can see the the activity in the past week or so has really started to climb as the season premiere starts tomorrow. Last Monday in fact just about brought the server down and we hit the same record highs we had at the end of the season.
A few random great things happening..TVGuide and BuddyTV have both exchanged links with us and we even had Matt Mitovich commented a few times on the blog after he made a trip to Wilmington! We also have been solidly in the #1 Google search result for “One Tree Hill Spoilers” and have moved up with “One Tree Hill”. In unfortunate news for others but fortunate news for us, one very busy site has quit posting like they used to while another has stopped allowing spoilers to be posted. I think this is driving our traffic higher.
Lastly in great news are the financial numbers.
Two big things happened with that this month. One, I added a 78×600 ad (60×600??) from BlogHerAds. And apparently that’s where the bulk of their ads are and our daily income jumped 3-4 times what we were getting. One day I think we were getting $3/1,000 hits. Which is FABULOUS! What I’m not sure is if I happened to hit a really good ad time for the new ad size or this is normal.
The second great news from this month financially is all the pre-Order Amazon sales of the Season 5 DVD were shipped out and we got 6% of all those sales.
So financial total for this month? You’re not going to believe this. $2600 almost to the penny. I told you you wouldn’t believe it!!! I can hardly believe it myself!
The crazy thing about all this?? I’m pretty sure next month is going to be even better!
Again, I have to give God glory for blessing this. I’m sure some people would choose to believe God would never bless a blog about a TV show. But He certainly hasn’t allowed it to fall apart. So as the doxology says, Praise God from Whom all blessings flow. I’d certainly say this is a blessing AND it’s flowing!
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from…the Father.” James 1:17
So do you put your tithe from this income to your church, or is there a charity that you prefer? Is there some one-tree-hill related charity that you tithe to?
Lynellen’s last blog post..Some Pithy Title
It goes to our church with our regular tithe.
Wow! Amy, that’s amazing…good for you. You put a lot of effort into your site and it shows. I drop by there at least a few times a day.
I think God is rewarding the fact that you have maintained the site while also looking after your family, home and full-time job.