Finally something has been done. They finally convinced Mr. Rogers‘ wife that he needed help. They went to see the doctor and apparently they said hallucinations can just be a part of getting old. That stinks. But the doctor gave her some pills to give him and they’re hoping that will resolve what’s going on. So hopefully, this is the end of his troubles for now.
*Update…Scott relayed only that information but after reading through some of these stories, I was shocked to see how prevalent this problem is in the elderly. Knowing how he has worked the system and gotten more medication than he probably should have, I’m sure in the end it’s a medication issue, not really just and “old age” thing. Who knows though. I’m just hoping THIS medication helps him.
For everyone’s sake I hope this helps…we spent the day yesterday celebrating Leila’s friend’s ninth birthday out in their backyard. Fifteen kids of different ages were running around and I cannot imagine having to worry that an errant shot might go off. As much as I sympathize with Mr. Roger’s family, the safety of the people around him should come first.
I agree!
Congrats Calendar Girl
Katja’s last blog post..Calendar Girl here, hello