Tomorrow is Lexi’s second pageant. I got really lucky and the pageant director resells dresses and had one that fit Lexi to a tee and let us rent it for $20!! What a deal! And look how cute! The director told us that Lexi scored really well last year and we really should consider sending her to state. She said they would love her because she has so much natural beauty and has a great personality. She sure knows how to butter a mom up!! She even gave us tips on how to wear her hair and even threw in a clear case bag for us to have. She was so nice! I’m so thankful it was so easy. Mom was nice enough to take Lexi to get new shoes and socks today so really, his has been a piece of cake!
Now Lexi just needs to go out and be a ham like she always is. And she will I think because Lexi is SO excited about tomorrow. We’ve been practicing her wave and twirling and it’s just so cute.
OK, enough stage mom gushing for now…there’ll be more posts tomorrow after the pageant 😉
Good luck today! So exciting!