I’m sinking to new blogging levels. It HAS been 6 years now though. When I got home from work today, our new washer and dryer were installed and Scott had already washed a few loads. He “let me” wash a load and I got a little excited over it and made him film me using it. I just can’t believe it’s so easy!
And a little forewarning…it took Scott forever to stop the video and there’s nothing like a little awkwardness at the end of the video so I didn’t cut it out.
By the way, it’s a Fisher & Paykel and you can get the set at Lowe’s. Here are a few benefits:
- It’s just as efficient as all the fancy front loaders.
- I didn’t like that you needed to buy the stands for the front loaders.
- These were WAY cheaper.
Jen says
It makes me hate my front loader even more! It looks very cool, and I love the tile too.
Jen’s last blog post..More Than a Friend
Melissa Oyler says
That’s so cute — love the video! I agree, I’m jealous too, and I thought I loved my front-loaders!
Melissa Oyler’s last blog post..The meaning of life, discussed over coffee at 11 a.m.
Amy says
Mom has front loaders and she hates them. She’s ready to sell them and buy a set of these. The only thing I’ve realized that might not be good is you can’t set stuff on the tops of them now.
Melissa Oyler says
Actually, I can’t put stuff on top of my front-loaders either. The washer is so violent during the spin cycle that it will throw off anything that’s on it. In fact, one day it threw off an entire bottle of detergent – full. And it broke. Imagine that mess! The dryer makes an odd squeaky noise if you put on anything that has weight – so laying out clothes to dry is OK, but putting a clothes basket on top is not. Annoying! And these are Whirlpool special “quiet” washer and dryer specifically made for upstairs laundry rooms. Quiet they are not …
Melissa Oyler’s last blog post..The meaning of life, discussed over coffee at 11 a.m.
Amy says
Oh really?
Ours has some type of turbine (???) motor and it sounds like an airplane is taking off! It’s not loud but it’s just a different sound than I’m used to.
Musings of a Housewife says
Ooooh, I JUST paid for a Whirlpool Duet this morning. You’re making me rethink my decision. AGAIN. Your Fisher and Paykel was on my list but your comment about noise kind of scared me off. Now I’m wondering if I should rethink.
How do you like that funky dryer? It sounded cool to me.
Musings of a Housewife’s last blog post..Bangs