So I had my first “microderm” yesterday afternoon. I’ve struggled with adult acne since my early twenties and have finally gotten it mostly under control in the past few years. I have long thought about dealing with my acne scars and with the Hot Blogger Calendar shoot coming up in two weeks, I really want my skin to look its best. I happened to have my scheduled visit with my dermatologist a few weeks ago and he recommended either a microderm or chemical peel to lessen but not get rid of my scars. He said either way it would really help my acne. The chemical peel sounds scary so I went with microderm.
I wish I would have taken pictures but I didn’t. But basically I went in, she cleansed my face and then put some sort enzyme mask on for 5 minutes. Then she whirled the table I was on around to the actual machine. It was a wand attached to a machine. The wand had small crystals that were flying around inside of it and she ran the wand across my face quickly. It has suction to it so it basically just felt like I was getting my face roughly vacuumed. It wasn’t painful though. She described it has being licked my a cat. And yes, that’s what the crystals feel like but she left out the suction part which I was a little surprised about. so that process basically takes off the top layer of dead skin.
She made two passes over my face and then did what they like to call “extraction”. Which basically means she spends 15 minutes popping all my pimples and blackheads. I had a quick discussion about this since dr’s are always emphatic about NOT popping pimples but she explained there is a right way to it and “leave it to the professionals”. This of course at times was a little painful and took me back to times when my mom would lean over with her two thumbs saying “can i just pop that for you??”. Oh yes, fond memories. That was probably the least pleasant part actually.
After that, she washed the crystals off my face and then let me wear another mask for a few minutes. And that was it. My face was a little red but not anymore red than if I had just done my own mask or something.
My face was a bit oily at first because she also put on sunscreen when she was done. You’re not supposed to wear makeup for 24 hours so I had to go out to dinner all shiny and red but that’s ok.
I waited until just now to put on makeup and I have to say my skin is very, very smooth today. And it feels good not to have ANY blemishes today. My makeup went on smoothly and overall I’m very, very satisfied. They recommended me coming in every 2 weeks until I get to the point I want to and then coming every 2 months. So that’s it. If you’re looking for that extra cleansing and some smooth skin without any downtime, I think this is it.
Just FYI, the crystals are most likely very fine aluminum crystals. For maintenance (and to save money!), you could try any of the at-home microdermabrasion products..there are quite a few out there. With these at-home microdermabrasions, you can do them once or twice a week (read the instructions obviously). I like doing this in the shower so I can rinse it off thoroughly without splashing water all over my countertop, and by doing it myself, I can go light on my dry cheeks and more intense on my oily t-zone. Since I’m the one doing the rubbing, it never has to hurt.
Since you have just exposed “young” skin cells, make SURE you wear sunscreen (at least SFP 15) every day..these new cells are /more/ susceptible to sun damage than the older outer cells that you just removed. You don’t want to speed up the appearance of ageing. LOVE that feel of soft skin!
Lynellen’s last blog post..Book Review: Taking On the System; by Zuniga