******************NEW MOON SPOILERS******************
I finished New Moon last night. And honestly? Not nearly as good. In fact, I could have skipped the whole thing. I’m such an Edward fan that I couldn’t handle him not being in the book. As mentioned in my previous post, I just couldn’t handle him leaving. I felt empty and it just wasn’t as good of a story without the two of them. The romance part of romance novel went out the door. Yes, she tried to take you to that place with Jac0b but they never got her there. I would have rather her jumped into it with Jac0b rather than danced around it for hundreds of pages. And then, when Edward finally did come back, it was crazy action and hardly any interaction. I can tell it wasn’t nearly as good just because I had only ONE post-it note marking a good passage and it wasn’t even a quote from Edward or Bella. That’s my new measuring stick…how many post-it notes are in the book at the end!
But, I do realize this book had a purpose to the story. I’m just not so sure she couldn’t have done the whole thing in 100 pages instead of 600. Here are a few things I’m happy we came out of from the book:
- We got to know Jac0b. I liked that Bella had him as a friend.
- We moved ahead with the werewolf storyline. I did enjoy having a whole new monster to learn about.
- Edward left Bella and realized he couldn’t live without her.
- Edward asked her to marry him.
- The Voulturi forced Edward’s hand on turning Bella into a vampire.
- I enjoyed Alice and Bella together.
I guess that is a lot to expect in a few chapters. I don’t know, instead of enjoying every page, I felt like I was always reading to get to the good part and unfortunately there was never a heart-stopping moment like that for me.
I agree Amy. Out of all 4 books New Moon was my least favorite. You will enjoy Eclipse, it has a nice balance.
Less than a month til the movie, can’t wait!
I didn’t enjoy it at first either. But once you read the 3rd & 4th books you realize all of the boring stuff was pretty much necessary. I can’t wait to see your response to the other two!
Cassie’s last blog post..Immortality
Just to give you guys a hint…I’m enjoying Eclipse more than New Moon…
While I definitely preferred Twilight to New Moon, there was still so much to love about this one. I thought the beginning was just so powerful with the breakup and blank pages. Then the ending when they were finally back together. OMG!!
Jen’s last blog post..It’s The End of the World As We Know It
Jen, I think looking back I would like this book a lot better the second time around. And I agree, the blank pages WERE HEARTBREAKING (and Rob said so too!)