******************ECLIPSE SPOILERS******************
I don’t have a whole lot of time to write but I did want to get this off my chest before I got so involved with Breaking Dawn. I started Eclipse Saturday afternoon and finished in the car line this afternoon getting Lexi. 48 hours. 629 pages. I’m insane and addicted but what can I say? Oh maybe that Eclipse was SO much better than New Moon. It had me scared for the first few hundred pages. I felt for a time that I was simply reading a History books with Edward and Bella scenes stuck in between. But it got REALLY good towards the end.
One of my favorite chapters was Compromise. It was Edward and Bella’s chapter where they compromise on marriage and sex. I don’t think anything more than kissing happened and somehow I think I was blushing. I liked the idea of the compromise. I liked that Edward pulled out a card and used it to his advantage and ours since it will hurry the process along. I just liked the theme of compromise she wove in there for a time.
It turns out I could handle Jac0b Black. In fact, I could be happy with them together. In fact, don’t tell anyone this, but Edward was quite on my nerves most of the first half. The way he was treating her like a child, well, it was nauseating. Jac0b and her was just so comfortable…and warm together. By the end of the book I almost hoped she picked him. Not quite, but almost.
And speaking of Edward and Jac0b I think my second favorite chapter was Fire and Ice. When they were on the mountain the tent and Jac0b turned into a space heater. The conversation between Edward and Jac0b was completely entertaining. I honestly think at one point a small, audible giggle escaped my lungs I was smiling so hard. And I’m not kidding.
Usually the fight scene/Volturi/history stuff bored me in the first three books but all the writing of Victoria and her army were actually fascinating. I wasn’t trying to speed read through it.
And the end was nice. They’re engaged. Solidly. But poor Jake. I felt bad for the guy.
All in all, if you can get through the history lessons at the beginning, it was WELL worth the read. Definitely my second favorite in the series so far.
You sound like me when I first read Harry Potter. I read the first 5 books in less then 2 weeks. I am rereading Twilight and I’m really enjoying it. I remember loving the first half when I first read it but then got really bored. I am really going to try and give this series a chance. All for Robert Pattinson!
Well, prepare yourself for Breaking Dawn. I laughed out loud several times reading it.
And like yourself, I read all 3 books during my holidays in July and then had to wait a few weeks for Breaking Dawn to come out.
Have to say I’m abit disappointed now with no new books
I got addicted fast, and it was hard to go cold turkey. At least the movie should tide me over for awhile!
Allison, I really hope you get addicted like the rest of us! I want to chat!
Tina, so good to hear Breaking Dawn has some funny moments too. I’m just 30 pages into it and loving it so far. I was so hesitant to start it though because I know it will be over soon. Like I was telling my friend, nothing compares to reading a book for the first time.
I’m so glad I’m not the only one irritated by Edward. Until mid-way through Eclipse, he was really bugging me.
I haven’t gotten Breaking Dawn yet ( though I’m sure I will before the end of the week). I’m starting to get worried about where the whole Jake thing is going to go. I hope he gives up now that he sees Bella is getting married. I can’t handle the back-and-forth between them again! That whole scene outside the tent ( before Jake went into battle) just broke my heart for all of them: Jake, Bella and Edward.
Jenny O.’s last blog post..Mommy’s Not The Only One With Vampires On The Brain
Okay, so now you all have inspired me to re-read these again. Hey, it’s been a whole 2 months, so I might as well brush up on my Cullen history before the movie anyhow!
Just wanted to thank you in advance for my up coming sleepness nights
Tina, I know what you mean…I’ve stayed up past 12 every single night for two weeks now. My eyes are killing me. I’m trying to read fast just so I can get some good sleep.