Today Emma turns 6. I feel like I should do an overly emotional post but honestly I don’t have it in me. We celebrated two weeks ago so it feels a little anti-climatic but I do have to say this past year was a huge year for her. Obviously the biggest being that Emma started school this year. She started reading. She started writing sentences. She lost four teeth. She matured. She really is one of the most caring people I know. She always puts others first and I feel bad sometimes letting Lexi have her way over Emma’s just because I know Emma will be a big girl about it. She loves all her friends and is as loyal to them as possible. She’s smart and kind and she still loves being around Mommy even though she isn’t the affectionate one like Lexi. People said she’d turn into a Daddy’s girl but that just hasn’t happened yet. I love that I’m still Mommy to her.
I looked at Scott this morning and said “Can you believe we have a six year old? It seems like yesterday we were going to my prom.” And it really does. And I look at Emma and she’s getting so tall and I can’t believe she’s growing up so quickly which actually means I’m getting old quickly by the way. And then I see all the “big kids” at school and she looks like a baby compared to them. Part of my heart breaks because she looks so vulnerable but I’m happy to have my baby for as long as possible. But six? Six certainly isn’t a baby. I don’t know, this year feels a little different than other years. She’s certainly not a baby but she feels like my baby. She’s not really what I think of as a young lady yet. For some reason I feel the need to break out with Britney’s ‘Not a girl, Not Yet a Woman’ LOL. Maybe it should be ‘Not a Baby, Not Yet a Young Lady’. LOL That actually rhymes. OK, I think I should end this post. Certainly not baby-book worthy. Except this blog sort of IS her baby book and one day when she is not a girl, not yet a woman, she is going to look back at this post and say, Man, Mom, you are SUCH A DORK.
Happy Birthday Emma! We got our first real snow storm over night so we woke up to 4 inches of snow this morning. Leila wanted you to know how pretty all the trees looked for your birthday. We’ll send a photo later today. Enjoy your cupcakes.
Happy birthday to Emma! And prom seems like yesterday to me, too …
Melissa Oyler’s last blog post..One by one
Hope Emma had a super HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
amanda’s last blog post..
Happy birthday belatedly, Emma!