OK, I’m writing a book. There. I said it. I blame it solely on her and I’m sure she’s very happy about it. I could write a novel about my non-novel…why I actually call it my non-novel, how it started, what it’s about, the scene that started it all, the post the sealed the deal for me, the characters, the brainstorming plot sessions with Scott of all people, the writing session Melissa and I had that was so much fun and all the other ones we have planned, the late nights, the research and all that. But then it might seem like I’ve put too much on my plate again and partially explain why my blog has been so slow lately and I wouldn’t want to fess up to that.
So for now you just get that I’m writing a book. Like, I actually have the whole story in my head and I honestly think it has the potential to be a really good dramatic story. So much so, that I don’t feel like I’m a good enough writer to tell the story. And while I don’t expect to get published (although I do want it bound if I ever finish it) or any movies to get made out of it, I am looking forward simply to the satisfaction of typing in the words ‘The End’ on that last page. Or maybe I’ll take a page from one of Emma’s reading books and type “STOP. This is the end.” In fact, I think I will just because I can. Cause guess what? I’m writing a book.
Anyone who reads this blog knows you are an excellent writer, so you can’t even play that card! I have read some of the scenes and they are amazing. Makes me want to improve my own writing! So excited, fellow novelist!
Melissa Oyler’s last blog post..An exboyfriend and his pornstache
Listen, as you know I was a book editor. For real, in NYC and all. So when I hear someone say they are writing a book, I think, yeah. You and everyone else. But in this case, honestly? I think that is AWESOME, Amy. ANY time you want some feedback or anything let me know. I am totally behind you!
EDW’s last blog post..Now when I caught myself, I had to stop myself
well I just want you to know that I am behind you 100% and I think that from what I’ve read that it is pretty amazing…and I think that since this is your story you thought up…YOU will be the best person to write it down