Last night at youth the pastor talked about priorities and challenged the students to write down what they did in a day. He had to do it for a week for a class in seminary and was surprised to look back at it.
Also, a lot of people ask me how I do what I do working from home with kids and all. I have to say it has gotten 100% easier since the girls are older. Every day is different and I also have people to help me but today is one of those days where Scott is at work and the kids don’t go anywhere but school. So here it is, good or bad. I’ll update throughout the day.
6:40 alarm goes off
6:49 alarm goes off
6:58 alarm goes off
6:59 bathroom
7:00 put on pants, shoes, jacket
7:01 go to girls’ room and pick out clothes while waking them up
7:02 drop the clothes off in the living room and go start the car
7:03 carry the kids to the living room
7:04 heat up pancakes, pour syrup, put out tray to set it on
7:08 make Emma’s lunch
7:12 Get the girls dressed while they finish eating
7:16 brush their hair
7:17 put their jackets on
7:18 take emma to school/check email on the way
7:35 turn the tv on for lexi and read the bible
7:50 take lexi to school/call scott to say good morning on the way/check email&twitter on the way home
8:18 clean up pajamas/pancake plate/tray/lunch mess
8:19 make my bed
8:20 take a shower/do makeup
8:45 check on email/do hair
8:55 check email/blog reader/log in to work
9:00 work while intermittently checking twitter/email/blogging
That should get me until 11:50.
11:46 get Lexi, checking email and listening to loud music while i wait in line
12:10 go to Staples to make a return
12:15 go to Lowe’s (next parking lot over) to get lightbulbs and smell the really good hot dogs walking in
12:20 as a first, say yes to lexi when she asks to buy a hot dog at Lowe’s
12:25 drive home
12:35 get lexi set up with her food.
12:36 turn on the tv for her.
12:37 eat hot dog. regret buying hot dog.
12:45 chat with Jaynee. check in on twitter
12:55 sign back on to work
Will be working until time for Emma’s pickup. Lexi will watch tv/play in the playroom/color/etc
2:00 pick Emma up from school. talk to mom on the way. write a few sentences of my non-novel, help Lexi watch her movie, listen to music, put on lipstick while we wait.
2:45 come home and sign back on work.
Girls are already in the playroom playing together and I’m back on at work.
4:50 finished working and cleaned the playroom in preparation for the carpet cleaning tomorrow
5:45 went to the grocery store to get salad for dinner at Mom’s
6:00 talked/ate dinner
6:45 hung out at Mom’s house
7:30 stopped at CVS on the way home. got a free razor. yay!
7:45 went back to Lowe’s since the bulbs I bought earlier were defective. of course!
8:00 turned American Idol on
8:01 made Emma egg salad and then an egg salad sandwich
Cut Lexi an apple to eat
Put the lightbulb in
Put the razor away
Vacuumed the living room and office
Finished straightening up the playroom
Got the girls jammies on
8:35 sat down on the couch with the girls and finished watching American Idol
9:00 put the girls to bed
9:15 put the vacuum up
put random stuff up that was lying around…jackets, shoes, cups, etc
9:20 cleaned the floor of my closet out for the cleaners tomorrow
9:30 get a drink of water
9:31 put a blanket up
9:32 update this post
9:40 take a shower
9:55 get in bed. write/read blogs/emails/Facebook/Twitter before going to sleep.
10:40 shutting everything off and going to sleep
There is nothing like a hotdog from an outdoor cart! I have no idea why, but they taste so much better. Sorry you are regretting it.
I can appreciate a good hot dog, but this was not one of them
probably one thing I will not be able to understand because of the cultural differences and all that…but why would you start your car before you get in?
We let it run for a few minutes with the heat on to warm up.
ok…that really is unusual to me…and not just, because I only have a bike…and without wanting to talk about stereotypes, but it seems like you really drive everywhere in the US…I guess I always kinda thought or hoped that was exaggerated somehow. it just won’t go with my eco-friendly attitude I guess…
you’ve heard right. We drive everywhere. We simply don’t live close enough to anything to walk.
You’re right; there is nothing worse than a bad hotdog.
It’s amazing how your day fills up with “things” that need to get done. I will have to make a list like this for Raouf for the Saturdays he comes home and asks what I did all day.