So after getting recommendations and having a few people come see the house, we’ve hired a cleaning lady. Supposedly it’s not PC to say that but that’s what we call her. We had a cleaning lady after we first got married. I loved her. I still love her. I remember fondly when she would wash our clothes and leave them folded on our bed. When our bath faucets were clean enough to eat off of. When our carpets were perfectly lined. And it stayed that way for more than 2 hours. Yes, this was before children. We moved to Columbia when Emma was 6 months old. The apartment complex there had a free cleaning lady and she came a time or two but I’ve been the one cleaning since.
In some ways I feel the whole failure of a mother and wife by hiring someone. But then I think about coming into a house that is perfectly clean and *I* didn’t do it and it makes me happy. So we’re going for it. Through the power of a Facebook status, we’ve hired an older lady that lives here in town that came highly recommended.
I cleaned the house this morning but in ten days, she’ll take over, coming biweekly. I’m sure I’ll do minimal cleaning on her off weeks and have to clean for the cleaning lady the night before she comes but I can not tell you how excited I am that today was the last day I’ll clean my shower for a while.
Hey…if I had the money, I’d do in a heartbeat! Congratulations!