Yesterday was bad and last night got even worse.
I have PMS which means every little thing that goes wrong is like the end of the world. So when I spilled chocolate drink all over my desk, rug and laptop and then Lexi spilled her ice cream and I had to tell someone no and I had to prepare for small groups last night and wasn’t even sure if anyone was coming and we ate out for both meals and I felt like crap both times and….well there is more but you get the picture….it felt like a disaster. The day would just not end.
So I went to bed early only to be woken up by Emma with a bad fever. I got up to give her Tylenol only to be woken up about six more times with Emma throwing up. We were changing sheets, washing clothes, wiping mouths, etc. The good news is Emma figured out how to throw up into the toilet so it wasn’t nearly as messy as Lexi last weekend.
Oh and I haven’t mentioned the fact the cleaning lady was scheduled today. But then Lexi didn’t have school today and Scott got the day off. So we were trying to figure out how to get everyone out of the house for a few hours. And then when Emma got sick and is home from school, I just had to cancel the cleaning.
So blah.
Thanks for the warning.
Heather’s last blog post..Negotiator / Explorer
Big hugs Amy. Days like this remind us why the rest of them are good
P.S. If it makes you feel any better I’ll commisserate by telling you my car’s in the shop and I’ve had to cancel all my plans till it gets out :/ Someone hit it at some point and I’m so unobservent I didn’t even notice.
P.S. This comment is riddled with spelling errors. Apologies for that.
Melissa Oyler’s last blog post..Would someone explain casual sex to me, please?
Don’t you think that this would have been a good test of your chosen cleaning service?
Sorry everything is going pear-shaped. It’ll get better.
Aww I’m sorry. I hope they get better soon!
Kelly’s last blog post..What I did…yesterday.
Sorry about your rotten day, Amy. My night went sour last night, when our family kitty of 15+ years, went to heaven. A real bummer.
Hope tomorrow is better for you and yours.
Coast Rat’s last blog post..We Love You, Alyssa!