Although the episode of American Idol itself was kind of boring, it was nice to see less drama and some really good talent on the screen most of the night. I actually really liked the sing-off they had at parts.
I think the big shockers of course are Tatiana and Norman. Both have good voices I think but how do you vote for that?
Danny Gokey is still my favorite. I like his story, his personality, his background, his singing, his look. I make-a-fan-site-love him. And I might just do that. His cousin has made a fan site for him. A random fan has also started a site but it’s really hard to navigate and already isn’t up to date. So yeah, maybe that is next.
Wow, off that tangent.
Other than that, I’m really happy overall with Top 36. Top 12 is going to be extremely strong and I don’t think any of them can really lose. If I had to pick Top 12 right now here’s who I’d pick:
Danny Gokey FTW, Anoop Desai, Lil Rounds (she’s really good and will be in there but I can’t get behind her for some reason), Matt Giraud, Mishavonna Henson, Ricky Braddy, Megan Corkery, Kai Kalama, Jackie Tohn, Brent Smith, Casey Carlson, Ricky Braddy (thx to Jaynee).
I feel the Judges got the following WRONG last night.
Jamar Rogers should still be in the competition.
Tatiana and Norm should be sent packing!!
The sing off where both girls were terrible, they should have kicked them both to the curb.
The sing off where the Cute Blonde and the Blonde with Pink Highlights should both stay.
I remember when American Idol was a SINGING Competition. What Happen? It looks like TV Casting 101 now!!!
Bring Jamar Rogers Back!!!
I was shocked when Danny’s friend didn’t make it. The judges really got it wrong with that one. Hopefully, they will figure out at way to bring him back.
Jen’s last blog post..Letterman Tries To Crack The Joaquin Phoenix Code
I agree! Jamar should have taken Tatiana’s spot!
I, too, love Danny. And Lil. Love her. And the girl with the cute baby – what’s her name? So cute, that baby! Can you tell that at this point I am ALL about the stories and not the singing?
EDW’s last blog post..Baby you’re my lucky day
It’s a package deal for sure. It’s not Just a singing competition.
Hello fellow danny fan.
Thank you for the sweet mention here on your great blog! We’re sorry that you find our site hard to navigate but is there any way you could tell us which part of the site?
We also wonder when you have visited the site because you mentioned that “already, (it) isn’t up to date.” We have 44 posts in February and 39 posts this month! We are sometimes slightly delayed by a day or two but we put it out there pretty quick…
You probably have your own fan site /forum now and we’d love to visit. Which one are you connected?
Anyhow, we hope you would try to check and visit us again. You might even want to write articles there- a review of the show perhaps… We wanted it to be a user-generated content as well. Let us know. Our traffic has been so overwhelming, like you would not believe! Might be good for you and us.
Thanks again.
DannyGokey FanSite’s last blog post..Still More American Idol Mansion Peek, this time from Latest Us Weekly Issue