Cause I think I have one. It is no surprise I’m sure that I was sad about Danny leaving Idol. Yeah, I cried. A lot. Not an ugly cry but a long and slow cry while I replayed his goodbye song over and over (gah, yes, i’m a little fangirl inside like that). If I thought Tuesday’s rendition was amazing, this one beat it by a mile. It was obvious he was singing to his wife and I’m usually not one prone to caring about Hallmark moments, but that one put in a puddle. Maybe I AM prone to Hallmark moments and that’s why I hate Lifetime and Hallmark movies. Hmm. It was just hard knowing it’s only been 10 months since he said goodbye to her and in one of the biggest moments of his life he didn’t have her there with him to support him. And you could just SEE his emotion all over his face. This is the part that kills me every time.
Ack. It was just so beautiful. (On a side note, his lips remind me of Elvis there.) And knowing that he was just one week away from beating Adam (or at least having the chance to) hurt a little too. So yeah, I’m sad. I know he’ll do well and I’ll scream for him at the Idol Concert and hopefully get his autograph and then proceed to buy every record he ever makes. It’s all good. Or it will be.
All I can say now about Idol is Kris FTW!
And I may as well plug my web site here. If you want to keep up with him sans Idol, check out
When Leila came upstairs last night she told me how much she liked Danny’s final song and that she blames Paula for him being voted out. She is very much on side with you and is hoping to catch the Idols when they come to Toronto. We’ll keep checking out ihrtdannygokey in the meantime.
Thank you, Carolyn and Leila!
I hate Lifetime too! I thought I was the only female that did.
Although I’ve been Team Kris this whole time, Danny does have a special place in my heart. He’s funny and nice and cute and has a very nice, growly voice. I thought the whole judges-pick-the-song was horrible. Paula’s crazy. And even Simon was mad at Randy and Kara. And I thought Adam’s rendition of “One” was horrific and I will never be able to listen to that song again without cringing.
Sorry I wrote a book!
Leann (mabeswife)’s last blog post..Cool Stuff
I really hope Kris wins. I love Kris and if it weren’t for Danny, I would have been pulling him for this whole time. I know I will love the record he makes.
I don’t watch Idol, but I know that Danny was the “story” this season, so I’m not surprised he got eliminated. It would have seemed way too fixed (more that usual).
He’ll have a much better career without Idol anyway.
Also, I don’t see Elvis in that picture. I see George Michael.
Elwood’s last blog post..Toy Story 58: Halo Again, Halo
I so feel you. I adore him, and wanted him to win. And his wife! Oh, it’s so Lifetime. I like those movies, because I love a good cry, especially when it’s made-up. But that’s just me.
Anyway, yes you can have a sad hangover. Poor Danny! And, yes, he will have a better career than if he won – look at all the success of the non-winners! But still. Sigh.
EDW’s last blog post..Don’t wanna tango with you
I am like you… I couldn’t stop the tears as Danny sang his farewell. AI is not even worthy of his life & character….