I feel the need to do a brain dump. No fancy stuff today.
I’ve been on Internet overload since this weekend. I had all the Danny Gokey hoorah from the concert and then two of my other blogs were involved in the TCAs. Blogging has been a lot of work the past few days to say the least. I actually turned off Twitter yesterday afternoon. I guess all of us have a limit after all.
One of the funniest things I’ve seen in a long time is Scott teaching the girls how to give wedgies the other night. Their little Barbie undies stretching to their shoulders and their tanned bottoms were almost too much. It was one of those times Scott and I looked at each other and belly laughed at our kids.
Scott has ripped apart the hall bath and will be laying the tile for in there today.
The kitchen counter top should be in at any time.
My bathroom lighting still hasn’t shipped.
A diamond fell out of my ring again. I think it’s the same one as before.
Yesterday Lexi accidentally knocked my non-novel off my desk and it tore the back cover. It gave me the courage to actually write in the book to edit it. I’ve spent some time doing that. It really makes a difference reading it on paper. I don’t know why. But it’s more clear than ever that it needs a lot of work.
Emma goes back to school in two weeks. She seems to be ready to go back. I don’t care to see 7am any time soon.
Scott’s new motorcycle still won’t work. He’s gotten a new battery, replaced the gas and cleaned the spark plugs. He has a neighbor coming to look at it tonight. We’re still not sure whether it’s a keeper.
We visited a new church Sunday. We all liked it.
We haven’t been swimming much because the pool had a bad case of algae. Scott cleaned it and dumped all the chemicals in today. Hopefully this weekend we can return to the swimming.
urbanvox says
Did you ever watch Nemo???
So take one good thing from it… Just keep swimming! 😉
.-= urbanvox´s last blog ..Knowing =-.
Carolyn says
“…Scott teaching the Girls how to give wedgies…” I’m still laughing just picturing it!
Love the photo of the four of you.