Tonight Scott and I celebrated our 11th Anniversary that is actually tomorrow. A local radio station had a Half Off Gift Card. Which trust me, really isn’t half off because tax and gratuity doesn’t count. Anyway, it was at Ruth’s Chris and it was so, so good. After last year’s big Grove Park Inn weekend, it seemed like a simple celebration with just dinner. No movie, no ring, no spa but it was still fun. And you can definitely tell we are past the honeymoon phase by our conversation…
Me: I’m going to burp in your face.
Scott: I don’t care.
Me (in jest): You got 11 years but I ain’t promising another 11.
Me: I love you, babe.
Scott: I love you too. But I’m not giving you another ring.
Me: I want the chocolate explosion
Uh, I’ll spare you his reply
Scott: The kids want their room redid
Me: They’re not getting their room redid.
Scott: Honey! It’s “redone”. Hmph. Embarrassing.
Me (referring to dessert): It was not that big last time
Scott: That’s what she said.
None of that may be funny to you. But it was funny to me. I love that he makes me laugh.
I may heart a lot of things. I love my TV and my kids and my book and all my blogs but never doubt I heart Scott so. much. more.
And I can’t end this post without saying I can’t quit thinking about the Ruth’s Chop Salad I had. Yum!
Stacey says
Happy Anniversary!
.-= Stacey´s last blog ..Little Twitters for 2009-08-08 =-.
Katie says
Your post made me think of one of my favorite quotes:
“Sexiness wears thin after a while and beauty fades, but to be married to a man who makes you laugh every day, ah, now that’s a real treat.”
-Joanne Woodward
I love being married to a man who makes me laugh too!
.-= Katie´s last blog ..Squooshy this week… =-.
EDW says
You two are so sweet. I am feeling that total love and adoration for my husband right now, and I know just what you mean about making you laugh. He never fails to make me laugh, and he loves me well.
I wish you many more years of love and devotion. Happy Anniversary!
.-= EDW´s last blog ..We’re gonna have a good time =-.
Poppy says
Congrats to you both.
That dinner looks so amazing.
And your silly words to each other — that’s what helps keep people together, clearly if you’re still together after 11 years and still like AND love each other!!!!!
.-= Poppy´s last blog ..Happy birthday, Georgie!!! =-.
Carolyn says
I’m very late with this wish but Happy Anniversary!
I love the photo of you both on your front porch…you in a dress and heels and Scott totally comfy in khakis and sneakers. It just looks…right (I can’t think of a better word).
Here’s to the next 11 and all the others after that!
Melissa says
I can’t believe how fast these 11 years have flown by … You two have just as much love in your eyes today as you did the day you married. And I’ve been so glad to have a front-row seat all these years! Congrats!
.-= Melissa´s last blog ..The adventures of Mia: Don’t play dead at a hospital =-.