Ok, here’s the deal. Monday at the festival we went to we bought these outdoor candle holders. They are made out of a large glass bottle. They cut the bottom off and then hang a chain through the top, attach a key chain that gets caught in the bottle neck that holds it up and then below that and inside the bottle they hang a clear candle holder. We bought two to hang above our hammock/sitting area outside. It was driving me crazy because they were very easy to make. Figure out how to cut the bottom off the glass and you’re golden.
And in comes YouTube!
So of course Scott being as handy as he is I had to get him to do it. AND me being the blogger I am, I had to get it on film. And whaddyaknow, Scott didn’t mind.
So I recorded twice. Once on the square bottle. The second is a larger round bottle. The first two tries didn’t work. He doused it with acetone again and tried a third time. This is where we see quite a bit of flammage. And warning. Apparently I’ve watched TOO much Friday Night Lights because my Southern accent is LOUD and CLEAR.
Wow! I still freak out a little when I see it! We were NOT prepared for that.
Dang? All you said was dang? I am impressed! First of all that Scott is so handy, 2nd of all that you didn’t drop your camera when your entire sink was in flames, and 3rd that you weren’t tossing curses around like a jail house warden. Well done all around!
.-= Kaitlin´s last blog ..Singing the Songs of Summer =-.
“Y’all go in there” is absolutely precious. I mean it. Love the accent!
.-= EDW´s last blog ..If you can’t risk betrayal it just sits on a shelf =-.
I had a GOOD LAUGH!!! Mom
LOL that was awesome!! Major Flammage LOL
.-= Domingo´s last blog ..Great I Have a Blog – Now What? =-.
You have your own “Handy Manny” which is good since you always seem to find new projects for him! That second bottle gave an impressive flame…I love how calm Scott was; I would have dropped the bottle for sure.
lol wow, I’m still laughing. I’m just so thankful mom wasn’t there to see it, though I’m sure she could have won an emmy for most dramatic reality moment or something…that flame was HUGE!
haha, oh dear word! you think YOU have a southern accent? you gotta hear mine.
ANYWAY, yeah, i want mr. scott to give my daddy some of that handiness. but my mom would have prolly been the one burning it & trying to break it, and i would have been video-ing it. and when it burst into flames like that? i would have been SCREAMING BLOODY MURDER, “DADDDDDYYYYYYYYYYYY!” cause you know how daddy’s fix EVERYTHING. even at 17, there’s nothing mine can’t do, haha.
anyway, this is a REALLY neat trick! good to know for the future.
& i’m LOVING your kitchen btw, sooo pretty!