As an avid American Idol fan and one who bought Katharine McPhee’s first record and a proud Brunette, I feel that I have a right to an opinion about this topic. May I say I dislike Katharine’s new hair with much fervor?
I followed the switch at and immediately was not a fan. I mean, she went from this
to this
Theoretically it looks good:
But I recently watched FunnyorDie’s latest video and I did not even recognize her one bit and only knew it was her when I read the tagline. This is a screencap from it:
Doesn’t it look like a horrible wig??
I’m not one to bash celebrities but I just feel I have to take this little corner of the blogosphere to say NO to the blonde and say bring back the beautiful, long brunette hair!
Anyone with me?
All that being said, I feel it’s only fair that I say I do like this song from her new album:
Wow you are fired up about this! Calm down…take a chill pill.
Her hair can grow back and who knows, maybe her stylist messed up and that was the best they could do to salvage a bad hair color/chop job (not saying that it’s good). Or maybe she had a “Britney Moment” and someone stepped in and said “Just don’t shave your head?! Anything but shaving your head!” LOL
Thanks for your insight into this and for a nice laugh!
I like the cut not the color.
.-= Kaitlin´s last blog ..If You Like It You Should Make A Ringtone Of It =-.
I like her better brown, too!
.-= EDW´s last blog ..I’ve been living in your cassette =-.
I can’t believe she cut all that beautiful hair off…hopefully she was able to donate it to Locks for Love or another organization like it.
I definitely prefer the brown.
I think you and her look alot alike! Your face shape. But I do agree, the brown is so much better than the platinum look she has now.