Something weird happened in cycling class today. I don’t know if it’s something similar to a runner’s high. In fact, I don’t even know what runner’s high is exactly. Pretty sure I haven’t encountered that one yet. But 2 minutes into the class, I was smiling. Almost laughing. I was so happy to be in class. About 35 minutes into class, we started a 9 minute song. All a consistent cadence out of the seat. 9 minutes. Pretty sure I’d never done one of those. About 3 minutes into it I found a great rhythm. My arms were relaxed, my breathing was steady, my head swung back and forth easily. I was in some sort of pocket. And when that song was over? I cried into my towel. Not for long because we are off on another 3 minute song. I don’t know what you call crying into a towel in spinning that but I’m ok with it. I felt GOOD walking out of there tonight.
Heather says
what rrrrrrrrrrrr u talking about…..?
Amy says
I had a really good work out but I cried in the middle of it but I don’t know why. Relief maybe? The end.