In small group we’re reading through John together. It’s been great to read back through Jesus’ life and it always inspires awe when I read all the miracles. But when I got to John 9:25 just now, I wanted shout and give a big fist pump for God.
“Whether he is a sinner or not, I don’t know. One thing I do know, I was blind but now I see!”
Jesus had just healed a blind man and the Pharisees were convinced He was a sinner because he had healed on the Sabbath. They continued to question the healed man and that was his response. He didn’t know who this Jesus was but he believed he was from God because of the evidence that simply couldn’t be argued with. I was blind but now I see.
There are moments when I question everything around me and I wonder if I’m making this all up. I wonder if God really is speaking to us about adoption. I wonder if God really has been working in my life. I wonder if that really is the Holy Spirit I hear. But I go back to a statement that I can make that erases all doubt.
One thing I do know, I was deaf but now I hear
I was 5. My mom noticed my hearing was deteriorating when I kept scooting closer and closer to the TV and asking for it to be turned up louder. The teacher confirmed her suspicions when she said I kept asking to sit at the front of the class. A doctor’s visit confirmed I was losing my hearing and would need tubes in my ears. My mom took me to our preacher for prayer and healing. I don’t remember any of this but when we back to the doctor he said he didn’t understand it but I no longer needed tubes in my ears.
One thing I do know, I was deaf but now I hear.
I used to chuckle when we took the hearing test at school. I wanted to tell the nurse that I had been healed. Sometimes when I’m listening to music I whisper a little thankful prayer to God for healing me and allowing me to hear it.
I know some of those healing services are anything but holy. I know healing doesn’t come to everyone. I can’t explain it.
One thing I do know, I was deaf but now I hear.
Just like he healed the blind man, he healed this once hearing impaired girl. You can’t argue it, you can’t convince me otherwise, the evidence speaks for itself. Even to me in my doubt.
As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”
“Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life.”
Glory and thanks to God. He’s real, y’all.