We were supposed to go out with Mom and Dad after church today but they decided they had enough leftovers to stay home. Breakfast for dinner is always my go-to meal but I remembered that Ree had a pancake recipe. Actually my nephew said while looking at the recipe over Christmas, “Sour cream in pancakes?? Ewww…” But I knew Ree knew what she was doing when she added it to the cookbook and anything with sour cream in it is usually a winner. Ree didn’t let me down again.
Honest to goodness, these were THE BEST pancakes I’ve ever had in my life. It was so good it was almost like dessert. But not in the IHOP cream cheese, I’m going to die if I eat this dessert way. It’s basically a batter with a lot of sour cream, vanilla and sugar all fried up into a pancake. Yeah, you don’t want to eat these every day of your life but WOW, were they delicious. I made a HUGE mistake by halving the recipe. Most of the time Scott skips on the pancakes and we have leftover pancakes even with the halved Bisquick recipe on the box. But not this time. We were scrounging the kids plates for any bits left behind.
The kids declared it good. Emma said, “Mom, you need to bookmark this one.” Lexi I believed declared it the best pancake ever. Let’s just say kid tested, mother approved was never more appropriate.
And I certainly don’t want to leave out the egg-in-the-holes. I wasn’t at all familiar with this thing but it was easy and it was different than just over easy eggs. And hey, bread, butter and eggs? Can’t really go wrong.
They were easy-peasy and delish.
How many recipes do I need to make and blog about before you go buy her cookbook?
Ok. Can’t stand it. Got to make them! It’s going to be our evening snack
It was yummy! Daddy said it reminded him of french toast made up as a pancake. And you know how he likes french toast!
it reminded me of french toast too!
I checked out her website Amy and am officially in Love with her
Her pictures are amazing. Is that basically what her cookbook is like? I’m in the middle of the Bernstein’s diet so I can’t make any of her receipes just yet, but boy am I enjoying her pictures! It’s food for your eyes!
Yes, tina! Her cookbook is like her blog in print. She mixes her cooking blog with pictures of her home, family and pets and it’s simply beautiful. I find myself just flipping through it because it’s so pretty!
See! I told you cooking can be both fun *and* tasty!
.-= Elwood´s last blog ..Changes in Latitude, Changes in Attitude =-.
Elwood, who knew?? Makes it so much easier not to fly out to a restaurant where all the good food is!